Index for words including 啤



Word Links for words containing 啤 (sorted via character pairs)

啤 piˊ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


啤酒 Beer

啤酒 Cold beer

啤酒 Bottle of beer

泰國啤酒 Thailand Beer

百威啤酒 Budweiser beer

台灣金牌啤酒 Taiwan Gold Medal Beer

拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer

一手拿著冰啤酒 Holding a cold beer in one hand

暢飲冰涼的啤酒 Enjoying a few cold ones, Having a few cold beers

從冰箱拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer from the fridge

啤酒 Beergut, Beer belly

其中沒有一個人有啤酒 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

沒拿啤酒就上樓了 Didn't grab a beer before going upstairs

電視上的百威啤酒廣造 A Budweiser ad on TV

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