Index for words including 喉


Throat, Gullet

Word Links for words containing 喉 (sorted via character pairs)

喉 houˊ
Throat, Gullet

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


喉嚨 Throat

喉嚨 Grab by the throat, Choke

掐住他的喉嚨 Choke him

勒住了他的喉嚨 Strangled him

喉嚨 Sore throat


喉管 Throat, Gullet, Maw

一根咆哮的喉管 A howling maw, A roaring gullet


咽喉 Throat

用前臂切他的咽喉 Sliced a forearm into his throat

用前臂切她的咽喉 Slammed a forearm across her throat

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