Index for words including 嚐


Taste, Try, Experience

Word Links for words containing 嚐 (sorted via character pairs)

嚐 changˊ
Taste, Try, Experience

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


嚐了嚐水 Tasted a sample of water to assess

為了確定他還嚐了嚐水 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure


嚐了 Tasted

嚐了 Tasted

嚐了嚐水質 Tasted a sample of water to assess

為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure


嚐試 Attempt, Try to, Sampled

嚐試逃跑 Attempts to escape

嚐試進入 Foray, Forays

嚐試顛覆 Attempt to subvert, Try to subvert

嚐試顛覆 Try to subvert, Trying to subvert


品嚐 Taste


了嚐 Tasted

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