
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 下


Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight

zaiˋ yueˋ guang¯ xiaˋ

下 xiaˋ
Below, Beneath, After, Down, End, Under, Finish, Inferior, Get Down, Get Off, MW Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone


月光 yueˋ guang¯

Words that rhyme with 在月光下 (ai-yue)

Grouped by first phone

zai, cai, hai, kai

在學校裡 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ

At school, In school

在學校還好嗎 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

How was school?, Was school okay?

在月光下 zaiˋ yueˋ guang¯ xiaˋ

Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight

zai, cai, hai, kai

裁決 caiˊ jueˊ


zai, cai, hai, kai

還缺 haiˊ que¯

Still lacking, Still not enough, Still need

zai, cai, hai, kai

開學 kai¯ xueˊ

Start of school studies, Start of university studies

開學了 kai¯ xueˊ le˙

School has started, Started school

開學日 kai¯ xueˊ riˋ

First day of school

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 21, 22, 42

在月光下 zaiˋ yueˋ guang¯ xiaˋ

Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight

44, 12, 21, 22, 42

開學 kai¯ xueˊ

Start of school studies, Start of university studies

開學了 kai¯ xueˊ le˙

School has started, Started school

開學日 kai¯ xueˊ riˋ

First day of school

44, 12, 21, 22, 42

還缺 haiˊ que¯

Still lacking, Still not enough, Still need

44, 12, 21, 22, 42

裁決 caiˊ jueˊ


44, 12, 21, 22, 42

在學校裡 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ

At school, In school

在學校還好嗎 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

How was school?, Was school okay?


十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-在月 : > [在]-在月光下 >

冂-月 : > : > [月]-月光 : > [月]-在月光下 >

人-⺌ : > : > [光]-月光 : > [光]-在月光下 >

一-一 : > : > [下]-光下 : > [下]-在月光下 >

在月光下 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 下

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