
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 下


Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain

zaiˋ hua¯ sanˇ xiaˋ duoˇ yuˇ

下 xiaˋ
Below, Beneath, After, Down, End, Under, Finish, Inferior, Get Down, Get Off, MW Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone


躲雨 duoˇ yuˇ

Words that rhyme with 在花傘下躲雨 (ai-wa)

Grouped by first phone

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

在花傘下躲雨 zaiˋ hua¯ sanˇ xiaˋ duoˇ yuˇ

Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain

在花園裡 zaiˋ hua¯ yuanˊ liˇ

In the garden

在花園裡做事 zaiˋ hua¯ yuanˊ liˇ zuoˋ shiˋ

Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden

在畫一幅很大很大的畫 zaiˋ huaˋ yiˋ fuˊ henˇ daˋ henˇ daˋ de˙ huaˋ

Painting a big, big picture

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

百花 baiˇ hua¯

All sorts of flowers

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

才華 caiˊ huaˊ


採花生 caiˇ hua¯ sheng¯

Pick peanuts

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

帶花 daiˋ hua¯

With flowers

帶爪大腳 daiˋ zhuaˇ daˋ jiaoˇ

Wide clawed foot, Large clawed paw, Large clawed paws

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

開花 kai¯ hua¯

Bloom, Blossom

開挖 kai¯ wa¯

Digging, Excavation

zai, bai, cai, dai, kai, lai

來抓狂一下 laiˊ zhua¯ kuangˊ yiˊ xiaˋ

Let's go crazy

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

帶花 daiˋ hua¯

With flowers

在花傘下躲雨 zaiˋ hua¯ sanˇ xiaˋ duoˇ yuˇ

Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain

在花園裡 zaiˋ hua¯ yuanˊ liˇ

In the garden

在花園裡做事 zaiˋ hua¯ yuanˊ liˇ zuoˋ shiˋ

Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

開花 kai¯ hua¯

Bloom, Blossom

開挖 kai¯ wa¯

Digging, Excavation

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

來抓狂一下 laiˊ zhua¯ kuangˊ yiˊ xiaˋ

Let's go crazy

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

才華 caiˊ huaˊ


41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

百花 baiˇ hua¯

All sorts of flowers

採花生 caiˇ hua¯ sheng¯

Pick peanuts

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

帶爪大腳 daiˋ zhuaˇ daˋ jiaoˇ

Wide clawed foot, Large clawed paw, Large clawed paws

41, 11, 21, 22, 31, 43, 44

在畫一幅很大很大的畫 zaiˋ huaˋ yiˋ fuˊ henˇ daˋ henˇ daˋ de˙ huaˋ

Painting a big, big picture


十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-在花 : > [在]-在花傘下躲雨 >

人-艹 : > : > [花]-花傘 : > [花]-在花傘下躲雨 >

人-人 : > : > [傘]-傘下 : > [傘]-在花傘下躲雨 >

一-一 : > : > [下]-下躲 : > [下]-在花傘下躲雨 >

丶-自 : > : > [躲]-躲雨 : > [躲]-在花傘下躲雨 >

一-雨 : > : > [雨]-躲雨 : > [雨]-在花傘下躲雨 >

在花傘下躲雨 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 下

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