Index for words including 垃

leˋ, la¯


Word Links for words containing 垃 (sorted via character pairs)

垃 leˋ, la¯

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


垃圾 Garbage, Litter, Trash, Junk

垃圾 Empty the garbage, Take out the garbage

亂丟垃圾 Litter

白人垃圾 White trash

他媽的垃圾 Fucking stuff, Fucking shit

四散的垃圾 Scattered garbage, Trash

聲稱全是垃圾 Declared that it was all garbage

垃圾 Garbage can, Trash can

放入垃圾 Put in the garbage

垃圾出去 Take the trash out

必須拿垃圾出去 Must take the trash out

垃圾清乾淨 Clean this stuff up, Clean this all up

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