Index for words including 域


Area, Region, Country, Boundary, Border, Frontier, Coast, Live, Stay

Word Links for words containing 域 (sorted via character pairs)

域 yuˋ
Area, Region, Country, Boundary, Border, Frontier, Coast, Live, Stay

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


水域 The waters


區域 Region, Area

外掃區域 Outside sweeping area, Outside area to be swept

鄰近區域 Neighboring region

骨盆區域 Pelvic Region

人多的區域 Crowded area, Bustle

其鄰近區域 Its neighboring regions

負責的區域 Area of responsibility

人為開發區域 Developed areas

分成四個區域 Divided into four areas

分配班上的外掃區域 Assign outside area for the class to sweep, Assigns outside area for the class to sweep, Assigned outside area for the class to sweep

沙土上留有帶爪大腳印的區域 Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt

負責的區域面積 Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積比較小 A relatively smaller area of responsibility

車門旋轉區域請勿站立 Please keep clear of the door turning area


流域 Drainage basement, Catchment, River basin, Valley

黃河流域 Yellow river valley, Yellow river basin

位於黃河流域的商 Shang, located in the Yellow River valley, Located in the Yellow River Valley was Shang 商


海域 Coast

這一片海域 This part of the ocean


領域 Realm, Field

領域 New realm, Frontier

不穩定的新領域 Ever shifting boundary, Variable boundary, Variable border

樸實和夏季舒適之間不穩定的新領域 The variable border between modesty and summer comfort


地域 Boundary, District, Region

實體地域 Physical territory

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