Dust, Dirt, Earth, Mortal, Trail, Trace, Lifetime, Worldly
Word Links for words containing 塵 (sorted via character pairs)
吸塵器 Vacuum cleaner
真空吸塵器 Vacuum cleaner, Hoover
機器人吸塵器 Robot vacuum cleaner
倫巴機器人吸塵器 Roomba robot vacuum
塵土 Dust
化為塵土 Turned to dust
塵土氣味 Smell of dust, Taste of dust, Dust-scented
帶著塵土氣味的寒風 Dust-scented wind
沙塵 Sand, Dust
在一場沙塵暴中 During a sandstorm
沙塵暴 Sand storm
一場沙塵暴 A sandstorm
遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm
煙塵 Smoke, Dust, Air pollution
彌漫著煙塵與汽油味 The smell of dust and gasoline, Smells of dust and gasoline, Smelled of dust and gasoline
灰塵 Dust
積灰塵 Collect dust, Collecting dust
就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze
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