
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 外



jingˋ waiˋ

外 waiˋ
Outside, External, Foreign, In Addition

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 境外 (ying-wai)

Grouped by first phone

jing, bing, ling, qing, xing

境外 jingˋ waiˋ


jing, bing, ling, qing, xing

餅怪 bingˇ guaiˋ

Cookie monster

冰塊 bing¯ kuaiˋ

Ice, Piece of ice, Block of ice, Ice cube(s)

jing, bing, ling, qing, xing

另外 lingˋ waiˋ

Also, Furthermore, Another, In addition

另外一個 lingˋ waiˋ yiˊ ge˙


另外一邊 lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯

On the other side

另外三分之一 lingˋ waiˋ san¯ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯

Another third

另外還有 lingˋ waiˋ haiˊ youˇ

Moreover, There is also, There are also

jing, bing, ling, qing, xing

情懷 qingˊ huaiˊ

Feeling, Mood

輕快 qing¯ kuaiˋ

Agile, Nimble, Brisk, Spry, Lively, Light-hearted

輕快的 qing¯ kuaiˋ de˙

Lively, Sprightly, Briskly, With agility, Agilely, Nimbly

輕快走下 qing¯ kuaiˋ zouˇ xiaˋ

Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down

輕率 qing¯ shuaiˋ

Careless, Reckless, rash, Curt, Indiscreet, Hardy, Make light of, Neglect, Slight, ignore

輕率的操作 qing¯ shuaiˋ de˙ cao¯ zuoˋ

Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver

jing, bing, ling, qing, xing

興衰 xing¯ shuai¯

Rise and fall

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 14, 22, 34

境外 jingˋ waiˋ


另外 lingˋ waiˋ

Also, Furthermore, Another, In addition

另外一個 lingˋ waiˋ yiˊ ge˙


另外一邊 lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯

On the other side

另外三分之一 lingˋ waiˋ san¯ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯

Another third

另外還有 lingˋ waiˋ haiˊ youˇ

Moreover, There is also, There are also

44, 11, 14, 22, 34

興衰 xing¯ shuai¯

Rise and fall

44, 11, 14, 22, 34

冰塊 bing¯ kuaiˋ

Ice, Piece of ice, Block of ice, Ice cube(s)

輕快 qing¯ kuaiˋ

Agile, Nimble, Brisk, Spry, Lively, Light-hearted

輕快的 qing¯ kuaiˋ de˙

Lively, Sprightly, Briskly, With agility, Agilely, Nimbly

輕快走下 qing¯ kuaiˋ zouˇ xiaˋ

Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down

輕率 qing¯ shuaiˋ

Careless, Reckless, rash, Curt, Indiscreet, Hardy, Make light of, Neglect, Slight, ignore

輕率的操作 qing¯ shuaiˋ de˙ cao¯ zuoˋ

Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver

44, 11, 14, 22, 34

情懷 qingˊ huaiˊ

Feeling, Mood

44, 11, 14, 22, 34

餅怪 bingˇ guaiˋ

Cookie monster


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境外 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 外

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