
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 圍



waiˋ weiˊ

圍 weiˊ
Surround, Enclose, Encompass, Gather Around, Restrict, Encircle, Attack (From All Around), Circled with arms, Surroundings, Environment

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 外圍 (wai-wei)

Grouped by first phone

wai, kuai, shuai

外匯 waiˋ huiˋ

Foreign exchange

外圍 waiˋ weiˊ


wai, kuai, shuai

快睡吧 kuaiˋ shuiˋ ba¯

Go to sleep now

wai, kuai, shuai

甩回 shuaiˇ huiˊ

Fling back, Slam back

摔碎 shuai¯ suiˋ

Smash, Smashes, Smashed, Shatter, Shatters, Shattered, Break, Breaks, Broke

摔碎了 shuai¯ suiˋ le˙

Broke, Smashed, Shattered

衰退 shuai¯ tuiˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 14, 32, 44

外圍 waiˋ weiˊ


42, 14, 32, 44

摔碎 shuai¯ suiˋ

Smash, Smashes, Smashed, Shatter, Shatters, Shattered, Break, Breaks, Broke

摔碎了 shuai¯ suiˋ le˙

Broke, Smashed, Shattered

衰退 shuai¯ tuiˋ


42, 14, 32, 44

甩回 shuaiˇ huiˊ

Fling back, Slam back

42, 14, 32, 44

快睡吧 kuaiˋ shuiˋ ba¯

Go to sleep now

外匯 waiˋ huiˋ

Foreign exchange


丿-夕 : > : > [外]-外圍 : > [外]-外圍 >

口-囗 : > : > [圍]-外圍 : > [圍]-外圍 >

外圍 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 圍

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