
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 曾


Great grandmother, (Cats: Family next)

waiˋ cengˊ zuˇ muˇ

曾 cengˊ, zeng¯
Done, Already (Already Occurred), Once Before, (Zeng1), Gap Of Three Generations, Three Generations Removed

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


祖母 zuˇ muˇ

Words that rhyme with 外曾祖母 (wai-eng)

Grouped by first phone

wai, kuai

外層 waiˋ cengˊ

Outer layer, Outer layers

外曾祖母 waiˋ cengˊ zuˇ muˇ

Great grandmother

wai, kuai

快睜開 kuaiˋ zheng¯ kai¯

Open your eyes now, Open now

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 41

外層 waiˋ cengˊ

Outer layer, Outer layers

外曾祖母 waiˋ cengˊ zuˇ muˇ

Great grandmother

42, 41

快睜開 kuaiˋ zheng¯ kai¯

Open your eyes now, Open now


Return to Family...

丿-夕 : > : > [外]-外曾 : > [外]-外曾祖母 >

人-丷 : > : > [曾]-曾祖 : > [曾]-外曾祖母 >

丶-礻 : > : > [祖]-祖母 : > [祖]-外曾祖母 >

口-毋 : > : > [母]-祖母 : > [母]-外曾祖母 >

外曾祖母 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 曾

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