
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 語


Foreign language

waiˋ yuˇ

語 yuˇ, yuˋ
Language, Speech, Voice, Dialect, Narrate, Tell

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 外語 (wai-yu)

Grouped by first phone

wai, guai

歪曲 wai¯ qu¯

Distort, Skew, Twist, Twitch

外語 waiˋ yuˇ

Foreign language

外遇 waiˋ yuˋ

Extramarital affair

wai, guai

乖女兒 guai¯ nuuˇ erˊ

Smart girl

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 11, 13, 44

外語 waiˋ yuˇ

Foreign language

43, 11, 13, 44

歪曲 wai¯ qu¯

Distort, Skew, Twist, Twitch

43, 11, 13, 44

乖女兒 guai¯ nuuˇ erˊ

Smart girl

43, 11, 13, 44

外遇 waiˋ yuˋ

Extramarital affair


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外語 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 語

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