Index for words including 多


Many, Much, More Than, ALot, Numerous, Too Much

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


多喝 Drink lots of water


新喀裡多尼 New Caledonia (France)


多日 Few days, Couple of days


多量 Many, So many


多是 Mostly, Tended to be


多明尼加共和國 Dominican Republic


特立尼達和多巴 Trinidad And Tobago


骨節多眼 Knotted, Gnarled

一棵骨節多眼的楓樹 A knotted maple tree, Gnarled maple tree


多貝羅路 Portabello Road


多肥 How fat you are

差別全看你多肥 Depending on how fat you were


多出 Extra, More than

多出來的 The extra came from, The excess came from


那該多好 That would be sufficient

這麼多好東西 So many nice things


多媒 Multimedia


多練習才行 A lot more practice


世事多變 Thing's change


那麼多張面孔 So many faces, All those faces


多了 More, Much more

容易多了 A lot easier

方便多了 Much more convenient, So much more convenient

難射多了 More difficult to shoot

響亮多了 Much louder

這次容易多了 This time it is easier, This time it was easier

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been


多留一會兒 Stay a minute, Stay a while longer


多多 More

許許多多 Many, Lots of

多多少少 More or less


多久 How long, How long since

多久 How long, How long does it take, How long would it take

我睡了多久 How long did I sleep?, How long was I asleep for?, How long was I out?

撐得了多久 How long would it last, Would last for long

過不了多久 Before long, How long will it take

多久一次 How often


多年 Many years

三百多年 Over three hundred years

二十多年 More than twenty years

雖然經過三百多年 Even though over 300 years have passed, Even though its been over 300 years

多年 Over the years

多年 Many years ago, Years ago

兩千多年 Over two thousand years

即使這麼多年 Even after all this time, Even after all these years

已經兩千多年 Over two thousand years ago

多年貢獻 Many years (of) service

多年前的 A decade ago, A decade previously


多佛 Vandover


多個 Many


多重 Multiple

多重 More emphasis 多-重視, Multiple points of view 多重-視


多利 Victoria

多利亞腔 Victorian accent

多利亞建築 Victorian house

一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house

山上的一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house on a hill


多愁善感 Sentimental


多種 Multiple, Various


多黎 Puerto Rico (U.S.)

多黎 Puerto Rico


豐富多彩 Colorful


多勞多得 More pay for more work

多得數不清 Too may to count, Countless


亞里士多德 Aristotle


多管閒事 Nosy, Meddlesome


科羅拉多州 Colorado


多為 Mostly

官員多為貴族 Officials are mostly nobles or aristocrats


多方 Multifaceted, Many-sided


多於 More than

多於 More respect than fear, More awe than fear


變化多端 Changeable


不管工作多辛 No matter how difficult work is


多音 Alternative pronounciation (of a character)


一定要多試 Don't give up, Keep trying


多說無益 What can I say, Talking was useless, Nothing useful could be said, It is pointless to dwell on it, It was pointless to dwell on it


足智多謀 Ingenious


多謝 Many thanks, Thanks


多讀 Read more


不遑多讓 Too busy to do one's self and so others help


多寡 Number, Amount


多穿衣服 Put on more clothing, Wear more clothes


多或 More or less, To varying degrees


多麼 So, How, How much, Great

多麼的快樂 How fun, So fun

多麼的有趣 How interesting, So interesting

多麼耀眼 How it had dazzled, How it had glimmered, How dazzling


多的 Many, A lot of

還滿多的 Quite a lot


多次 Lots of


多汁 Juicy

多汁 Juicy


多準 Prepared extra, Prepared an extra, Prepared an additional

多準備一罐 Prepare one more can,

需要多準備一罐 Need to prepare one more can, Need one more can


多灌 Add, Added

多灌了一些 Added a little more


多退少補 Refund for overpayment or supplemental payment for underpayment, Make up for any over or underpayment


多道工序 Multiple processes


多遠 How far

離地面多遠 How far off the ground, How far from the ground


多邊 Multilateral


多快 Pick up a lot of speed


多心 Suspicious


沒那麼多人 Not so many people, Not many people


多拿一點 Take a little extra


多餘 Surplus, Superfluous, Redundant, Extra, Unnecessary

多餘的水 Excess water


多小 How small


多少 How much?, How many?, How long?, More or less, Somewhat

沒剩多少 Doesn't have much more

他查明了多少 How much did he discover?, How much did he find out?

他知道了多少 How much does he know?

她查明了多少 How much did she discover?, How much did she find out?

她知道了多少 How much does she know?

二加二等於多少 How much is two plus two?, What is two plus two?

不比海平面高多少 Not much higher than sea level

八的立方根是多少 What is the cubed root of eight?

比郵票大不了多少 Not much bigger than a postage stamp, Not much bigger than postage stamps

正確答案應該是多少 The correct answer should be how much?

多少 How many points

多少 How many times

多少 How many times

多少 How much money

賺不了多少 Don't earn much money, Don't earn much

則面積會增加多少 How much will the area increase by?

這一塊的面積是多少 What is the area of this piece?

多少公克 How many grams?

質量為多少公克 What is the mass in grams?

多少天來 Many days, On many days

多少年後 After a few years, As the years went by

多少面積 How much area, How much acreage

多少算是吧 More or less, Kind of

要花多少時間 How long will it take, How much time will it take, How much time will need to be spent

沒為他帶來多少麻煩 Didn't cause him too much bother

多少莫耳 How many moles?, How many mols?

相當於多少莫耳 Is equivalent to how many moles?


多勞多得 More pay for more work


多米尼加 Dominica


多精 Phytoncide, Antimicrobial substances given off by plants to prevent attack or decay


多美和普林西比 São Tomé And Príncipe


多半 Over half, More than half, Mostly

多半 Most people, Most company

多半 Over half is, Over half were, Mostly

多半是兒童 Over half were children, Most were children, Mostly children

一輩子多半時間 Most of a lifetime, Most of their life

多半在開始出現細紋的眼睛四周 Mostly around the eyes where wrinkles were starting to appear


多常 How often


巴巴多斯 Barbados


多一 Extra portion, Additional serving

多一 Has, in addition, Has an additional

多一 A little more

多一個側管 Has an additional side tube

多一份濃縮咖啡 Extra shot of espresso

多一個你都找不到 Not one more would you find

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil


摩爾多瓦 Moldova


多到 As many as, As much as

次數多到 Number of times, Volume (number of times)

多到數不清 Too many to count, Countless


在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat


多哥 Togo


多兩 More than double


厄瓜多爾 Ecuador


多元 Multi-, Multivariate

多元 Tupple

多元文化融合 Multi-cultural


多功 Multifunction


多項 Polynomials, Polynomial

多項 This polynomial

一次多項 First-order polynomial, First-degree polynomial

三次多項 Cubic polynomial, Third order polynomial

二次多項 Quadratic polynomial, quadratic expression, Second order polynomial

常數多項 Constant polynomial

這個多項 This polynomial

多項式的項 Polynomial terms

多項式相除 Divide two polynomials, Divides two polynomials, Dividing two polynomials, Divided two polynomials

多項式的加法 Polynomial addition

多項式的次數為 This polynomial is of degree

這個多項式各項分別為 The terms of this polynomial are

多項式的減法 Polynomial subtraction

多項式的加法與減法 Polynomial addition and subtraction

當兩多項式相除時 While dividing two polynomials

多項式的乘法與除法 Polynomial multiplication and division


多雲 Cloudy


向她多要兩塊錢 Ask her for an extra two bucks


多數 Majority

多數 The majority, Most people


多上百萬倍 A million times more


多處 Multiple, Many

多處刀傷 Multiple stab wounds


多虧 Thanks, Thanks to


一千多塊 Over a thousand dollars, More than a thousand dollars

願意花一千多塊 Willing to spend over a thousand dollars


那麼多力 So much strength, So much effort

浪費了那麼多力 Wasted so much effort


多加 Add too much


多大 Much bigger

多大 How old are you, What's your age

多大 How big, Grown how big


用不著多想也知道 Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute


多柱 Multi-column


多樣 Diverse, Diversity

多樣 Diversify


養樂多檸 Healthy Lemon Drink


對那麼多事 With respect to so many things


最多 The most

時間最多 Have lots of time, Time to spare

最多就只有某種程度的服從 At best he had a certain degree of obedience


眾多 Numerous, Many, Multitudinous


好多 How much, How many, So much, So many, Good deal

收穫真的好多 Truly took in a lot, Truly learned a lot

好多 Many people

好多 Many years

一連好多 For many days

這樣好多 That's better, That's much better

好多冬天 Many winters

好多夏天 Many summers

好多春天 Many springs

好多秋天 Many autumns

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years


樂多 Healthy


夠多 Enough

夠多 Enough

已經夠多事情要操心了 Got enough to worry about


刻話特多 Goes on and on, Talks endlessly


繁多 Numerous, Many


看多 Seen many

看多 Seen many


很多 Many, Very many, A lot of

很多 There are many

很多 Much more expensive

刺激很多 A lot more exciting

危險很多 A lot more dangerous

原因很多 For many reasons, This was for many reasons

好玩很多 A lot more fun

比米貴很多 Much more expensive than rice

聽起來好像很多 Sounds like a lot

麵粉的價格比米貴很多 Flour was much more expensive than rice

很多 Many things

很多 A lot of people, Lots of people

很多 Doing many things

很多 There are a lot of people, Lots of people, A lot of people

出了很多 Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work

抄了很多 Transcribed many books

曾有很多 Had for many years

種了很多 Planted many trees

讀了很多 Read many books

還有很多 One of many

很多事情 Lots of things

很多情況 In many situations

基於很多原因 For many reasons

很多廉價旅館 A lot of cheap hotels

臉上很多皺紋 A lined face, A wrinkled face

問了她很多問題 Asked her a lot of questions

還有很多其他人 As well as many others, Along with many others

很多人記得看見我 Plenty of people remember seeing me

還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym

這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her

很多分類 Many types

很多分類 There are many types

很多方法 Many methods, Many techniques

很多方法 There are many methods

很多水果 Lots of fruit

桌子上有很多水果 There is lots of fruit on the table

很多家事 Do many chores

很多人有家人 Lots of people have family

我們沒有要求你做很多家事 We don't ask you to do a lot of chores

很多時間 Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time

曾有很多年時間 For a period of many years, had

退役後曾有很多年時間 For many years after leaving the army, had

很多種類的花 Many kinds of flowers

很多與你有同感的人 Many who feel the same way as you

以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past

很多民眾坐在外面 Many people sit outside

平常很多民眾坐在外面 Usually there are lots of people sitting outside


得多 More

得多 Much better in comparison, Comparatively better

得多 Stronger than, Better than

困難得多 Tougher, More difficult

好用得多 Was better

比那遠得多 Even further, Further than that, Even further than that

要危險得多 More dangerous

消息靈通得多 Better informed

力道比剛剛強得多 Much stronger, Much harder, With more force

比我所想的要危險得多 A lot more dangerous than I thought

一旦真槍實彈事情就會困難得多 Things are a lot tougher when it's for real

你還記得多 How much do you remember

不論錯得多離譜 No matter how wrong


算多 Not amount to much

也不算多 Didn't amount to much, Didn't amount to alot

但數目不算多 But not many


帥多 More handsome

帥多 More handsome


許多 Many, A lot of

高出許多 Much higher, Much taller

在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now

許多 Many people

許多 Many

許多 Many, Lots of

過了許多 After a number of years, Much later

許多小片 Many small pieces

分成許多小片 Cut into many small pieces, Divide into many small pieces

許多條線 Lots of lines, A lot of lines

許多才能 Had many talents

許多情況下 In many cases

聯合許多國家 Unite many countries, Unites many countries, Uniting many countries, United many countries

許多民居和商鋪 Many homes and businesses

聯合許多國家打敗商 Uniting many countries, they defeated the Shang 商

需要許多的人力和巧思 Requires the effort and ingenuity of many people

許多東西上都蓋著防水布 Lots of things were covered by tarpaulins

許多的交流 Many exchanges, Lots of communication

與商有許多的交流 And had many exchanges with Shang 商

許多顆蘋果 Many apples

許多顆蘋果 There are many apples

劈成許多細枝條 Cut up into slender strips

將竹子劈成許多細枝條 Cut the bamboo into lots of slender strips


諸多 Many


麼多 So much, So many, Such a large amount (of)

麼多 So many, So much, Too many

沒那麼多 Not so much, Not much, Not so many, Not many

只有那麼多 There's only so much

我只知道這麼多 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much

儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew


沒多 Not much, Not a lot

沒多 Before long, Not long, Not long after

沒多 Not much, Not a lot

沒多 He didn't ask anymore questions, He didn't ask anything further

沒多 Not long after

沒多久後 Not long after

沒多說話 Didn't say much

沒多大用處了 Not much use, Not very useful

我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you


過多 Excessive, Too much

過多 After a short time, Not long after

他看過多少遍 How many times he'd seen

過多道工序 Undergoing multiple processes


還多 Even more, Even more than

還多 Still had more than


人多 Crowded

人多 Crowded

人多嘴雜 Getting lots of people to agree is difficult, Secrecy is hard to maintain with too many people

人多的區域 Crowded area, Bustle

人多的陰暗處 Dark and crowded places

人多數留在飛船上 Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship


愈來愈多 Increased, More and more


錢多 More money, Paid well


小多 Lots smaller, A lot smaller

小多 Lots smaller, A lot smaller


樹敵甚多 Many enemies, Has many enemies


薩爾瓦多 El Salvador


不多 Not many, Very few

不多 Not too many people, Only a few people, A small group of people

不多 About, There abouts, Approximately

不多 Not much smoke, Little smoke

餘錢不多 Did not have a lot of spare money, Had little spare money

你的錢不多 You don't have a lot of money, You're not rich

外貌差不多 Similar looking, Similar in appearance

要的人不多 Didn't need too many people, Wanted a small number of people

認識得不多 Don't know much, Didn't know much

她差不多再也不會 She almost never

需要的東西也不多 Don't need much, Doesn't need much, Didn't need much

他需要的東西也不多 He doesn't need much, He didn't need much

她需要的東西也不多 She doesn't need much, She didn't need much

不多 Almost, Just about, Close enough

不多沒有 Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

不多都是 Was usually, Nearly always

不多那一樣 Pretty much the same

不多同一地區 Roughly the same area

不多沒有上過學 Almost never went to school

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

也差不多能達到相同的功能 Would have done roughly the same thing, Would have served roughly the same function

由一個外貌差不多的男士主持 Hosted by a man of similar appearance


頂多 At most, At best


更多 Many more, Much more

更多 Have a lot more, There was more, There is more

任何更多 Any more

你的更多 You have more

得到更多 Have more

持續發現更多 Went on to discover even more

並持續發現更多 And went on to discover even more

更多的人 Lots of people

更多人來 Have a lot more people come

更多艘大飛船 A few more large airships

理當帶更多禮物給她 Ought to bring her even more gifts


有兩百多 Over two hundred, More than 200


十多 More than twenty


話還真多 Talk a lot

他的話還真多 He talks a lot

她的話還真多 She talks a lot


越多 The greater the amount

越多越好 The more there better


增多 Increase in quantity


大多 For the most part, Most of

大多 How much larger?, How much bigger?

大多 Most, The vast majority of

大多 Mostly

大多 Mostly

大多 As with the vast majority of, Like most

大多數人 Most people, The vast majority of people

絕對會震撼到大多數人 A sure way to shock the vast majority of people

大多數導管 Most of the tubes

大多數時候 The majority of the time, On most days

大多數面帶微笑 Mostly smiling

大多數是廢物 It was mostly garbage

可控制絕大多數的力量 Could for the most part control their ability

大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people

大多數人的想法相反者 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think

大多數人比起來 Compared to most people

和世界大多數人比起來 Compared to most people in the world


太多 Too much

太多 Unbelievably

太多茶了 Drank too much tea, Drinking too much tea

查獲不到太多證據 Not much evidence was found

永遠查獲不到太多證據 Never find much evidence


奇多 Lots, Many

數量奇多 Lots, Many


樣多 The same amount


面積也才多 The area is just an additional


有多 Plenty, More than enough

有多 How long has it been, How long since, How long ago

有多 How many?, How many are there?

有多 Weight, Weighs how much

有多 Is it raining a lot?, How much is it raining?

一共有多 Combined weight

驢子有多 How stupid a donkey is

不管雨有多 No matter how much it rains

不管你的困境有多 No matter the extent of your difficulties, No matter how deep your troubles

有多仔細 Thorough

有多失望 Very disappointed, Extremely disappointed

有多少錢 How much money there is

有多愉快 A lot of fun, A lot of fun was had, It was a lot of fun

有多聰明 How smart, How smart is it?

有多重了 Weight, Weighs how much

有多少莫耳氧原子 Contains how many moles of oxygen atoms

有多少莫耳 Has how many moles?, How many moles?

有多少莫耳 How many moles?

總數有多少莫耳 Chemistry: How many moles in total:

有多了解她 How much did he know about her?, What did he know about her?

有多了解他 How much did she know about him?, What did she know about him?


較多 Bigger, Greater, Larger, More

瞭解的比較多 Understand more, Learn more

哪一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger


輻多 Many spokes, Many-spoked

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