
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 間


Night time

yeˋ jian¯

間 jian¯, jianˋ
Space, Room, Between, Among, Interval Of Time, MW For Rooms, (Jian4), Division, Gap, Crevice

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 夜間 (ye-yan)

Grouped by first phone

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

夜間 yeˋ jian¯

Night time

夜間光線 yeˋ jian¯ guang¯ xianˋ

Night light

頁面 yeˋ mianˋ

Page, Webpage

葉片 yeˋ pianˋ

Leaves, Petals

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

碟片 dieˊ pianˋ


ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

節點 jieˊ dianˇ


節電量 jieˊ dianˋ liangˋ

Electricity savings

接見 jie¯ jianˋ

Meeting with

接見了 jie¯ jianˋ le˙

Met with

節儉 jieˊ jianˇ

Frugal, Economical, Austere

結繭 jieˊ jianˇ

Build a cocoon

借鑑 jieˋ jianˋ

Learn from another's experience

接連 jie¯ lianˊ

One after another, Continuous

介面 jieˋ mianˋ

Interface, Connection

介面語言 jieˋ mianˋ yuˇ yanˊ

Interface language

界面 jieˋ mianˋ

Interface, Boundary, Border

接線 jie¯ xianˋ

Connect, Make a connection

接線生 jie¯ xianˋ sheng¯

Telephone operator

界線 jieˋ xianˋ

Boundary, Boundaries, Bounds, Border, Limit

界限 jieˋ xianˋ

Limit, Restrict, Border, Furthest limits

戒菸 jieˋ yan¯

Quit smoking

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

瞥見 pie¯ jianˋ

Catch a glimpse of

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

且連 qieˇ lianˊ

And even

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

貼片 tie¯ pianˋ

Sticker, Patch, Pad, Film

ye, die, jie, pie, qie, tie, xie

謝天謝地 xieˋ tian¯ xieˋ diˋ

Thank God

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

戒菸 jieˋ yan¯

Quit smoking

謝天謝地 xieˋ tian¯ xieˋ diˋ

Thank God

夜間 yeˋ jian¯

Night time

夜間光線 yeˋ jian¯ guang¯ xianˋ

Night light

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

接連 jie¯ lianˊ

One after another, Continuous

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

接見 jie¯ jianˋ

Meeting with

接見了 jie¯ jianˋ le˙

Met with

接線 jie¯ xianˋ

Connect, Make a connection

接線生 jie¯ xianˋ sheng¯

Telephone operator

瞥見 pie¯ jianˋ

Catch a glimpse of

貼片 tie¯ pianˋ

Sticker, Patch, Pad, Film

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

節點 jieˊ dianˇ


節儉 jieˊ jianˇ

Frugal, Economical, Austere

結繭 jieˊ jianˇ

Build a cocoon

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

碟片 dieˊ pianˋ


節電量 jieˊ dianˋ liangˋ

Electricity savings

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

且連 qieˇ lianˊ

And even

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 32, 44

借鑑 jieˋ jianˋ

Learn from another's experience

介面 jieˋ mianˋ

Interface, Connection

介面語言 jieˋ mianˋ yuˇ yanˊ

Interface language

界面 jieˋ mianˋ

Interface, Boundary, Border

界線 jieˋ xianˋ

Boundary, Boundaries, Bounds, Border, Limit

界限 jieˋ xianˋ

Limit, Restrict, Border, Furthest limits

頁面 yeˋ mianˋ

Page, Webpage

葉片 yeˋ pianˋ

Leaves, Petals


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夜間 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 間

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