
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 肌


Gluteus Maximus, (Cats: Anatomy next)

daˋ tunˊ ji¯

肌 ji¯
Muscle, Flesh

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Phone , Tone


臀肌 tunˊ ji¯

Words that rhyme with 大臀肌 (a-wen)

Grouped by first phone

da, ba, fa, ma, ta

打盹兒 daˇ dunˇ er˙


大臀肌 daˋ tunˊ ji¯

Gluteus Maximus

達文西 daˊ wenˊ xi¯

Davinci, Darwin

da, ba, fa, ma, ta

把臀部向一側推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ xiangˋ yiˊ ceˋ tui¯

Push the hips to one side, Pushes the hips to one side, Push our hips to one side

把臀部向前推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ xiangˋ qianˊ tui¯

Push the hips forward, Pushes the hips forward, Push our hips forward

把臀部往左推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ wangˇ zuoˇ tui¯

Push the hips to the left, Pushes the hips to the left, Push our hips to the left

把臀部推向一邊 baˇ tunˊ buˋ tui¯ xiangˋ yiˋ bian¯

Push the hips to one side

把臀部直直向後推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ zhiˊ zhiˊ xiangˋ houˋ tui¯

Push the hips straight back, Pushes the hips back, Push our hips straight back

da, ba, fa, ma, ta

發問 fa¯ wenˋ


法文 faˇ wenˊ


法文名字 faˇ wenˊ mingˊ ziˋ

French name

da, ba, fa, ma, ta

麻昏 maˊ hun¯


da, ba, fa, ma, ta

他蹲 ta¯ dun¯

He squatted

她蹲 ta¯ dun¯

She squatted

踏輪 taˋ lunˊ


他問 ta¯ wenˋ

He asked

她問 ta¯ wenˋ

She asked

她準備好 ta¯ zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

She is ready, She got ready, She was ready

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

大臀肌 daˋ tunˊ ji¯

Gluteus Maximus

踏輪 taˋ lunˊ


42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

他蹲 ta¯ dun¯

He squatted

她蹲 ta¯ dun¯

She squatted

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

她準備好 ta¯ zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

She is ready, She got ready, She was ready

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

發問 fa¯ wenˋ


他問 ta¯ wenˋ

He asked

她問 ta¯ wenˋ

She asked

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

麻昏 maˊ hun¯


42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

達文西 daˊ wenˊ xi¯

Davinci, Darwin

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

把臀部向一側推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ xiangˋ yiˊ ceˋ tui¯

Push the hips to one side, Pushes the hips to one side, Push our hips to one side

把臀部向前推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ xiangˋ qianˊ tui¯

Push the hips forward, Pushes the hips forward, Push our hips forward

把臀部往左推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ wangˇ zuoˇ tui¯

Push the hips to the left, Pushes the hips to the left, Push our hips to the left

把臀部推向一邊 baˇ tunˊ buˋ tui¯ xiangˋ yiˋ bian¯

Push the hips to one side

把臀部直直向後推 baˇ tunˊ buˋ zhiˊ zhiˊ xiangˋ houˋ tui¯

Push the hips straight back, Pushes the hips back, Push our hips straight back

法文 faˇ wenˊ


法文名字 faˇ wenˊ mingˊ ziˋ

French name

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 32, 33

打盹兒 daˇ dunˇ er˙



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大臀肌 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 肌

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