Day, Sky, Heavens, Seasons, Climate, Weather, Nature, Natural, Necessities
Word Links for words containing 天 (sorted via character pairs)
天險 Impregnable natural barriers, Defensive natural barriers
海門天險 Haimen Tianxian
海門天險城樓 Haimen Tianxian tower
天線 Antennae, Antennas
鞭天線 Whip antenna
一支天線 An antennae
衛星天線 Satellite dish, Satellite dishes
夠長的天線 Long enough antennae
鞭般的天線 Whip antenna
要夠長的天線可以收到無線電波 Need an antennae long enough to pick up radio waves
天生 Be born with, Natural
天生可愛 Naturally endearing
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing
天生可愛的 Naturally endearing
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone
天氣 Weather
天氣晴 Sunny weather, Sunny
天氣不好 The weather is bad, The weather was bad
天氣很熱 The weather was very hot
天氣預報 Weather report, Weather forecast
天氣很暖和 The weather was warm
天氣又不夠暖 The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough
天亮 Daybreak, Dawn, Break of dawn
什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak, When will it finally be daybreak
到底什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives
天亮了 It's daybreak!, The sun is up!
談天說地 Chatted about many things
談天說笑 Have enjoyable conversation, Talk and laugh, Converse and laugh
天空 Sky
向天空 Towards the sky
藍色天空 Blue sky
飛向天空 Took flight
向天空飛去 Fly away
高高掛在天空上 Hanging high up in the sky
天空突然烏雲密布 The sky suddenly darkened with rain clouds
天花板 Ceiling
天花板上懸 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
天花板上懸著 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
掛到天花板上 Hang from the ceiling
天下 World, The world, Everything below the heavens or below the sky
甲天下 Unequaled in all the world, Unique
澄清天下 Rid the world of trouble
甲於天下 Unequaled in all the world, Unique
天干 Heavenly stem, Heavenly stems
古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year
天上 The heavens, In the sky
從天上 From the sky
天上的 In the sky, Up in the air
向天上跑 Rise upwards, Head for the sky
映出天上的月 Reflected the moon, Reflected moonlight
高到了天上去了 Ascended towards the sky
天真 Naïve, Innocent
智力的發展在小小孩可視為天真 The level of intelligence in a small child could be seen as innocence
天才 Talented, Genius, Gifted
天才們 Geniuses
有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it
明天 Tomorrow
明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day
要到明天才會離開 Won't leave until tomorrow
幾天 A few days
好幾天 Many days
待個幾天 Stay a few days
過去幾天 Spent several days, Spent a few days
幾天前 A few days ago
幾天後 A few days later
在幾天內 Within a few days
我需要請幾天假 I need a few days off, I need to request some time off
前幾天晚上 A few nights ago
花幾天的時間 Spend only a few days
幾天甚至數星期後 Days or weeks later
那天 That day
從那天起 From that day onwards
那天晚上 That evening
那天過後 The day after, After that day
那天沒回來 Didn't come back that day, Didn't come home that day
當那天來臨時 When that day arrived
每天 Daily, Every day
每天都 Daily, Every day
每天晚上 Every evening
每天固定配糧 Fixed daily rations
只要每天都能這樣 If only everyday could be like this
每天早晨 Every morning
每天清早都 Early morning every day
每天都來 Came every day
他們每天都來 They came every day
仰天 Look up at the sky
他仰天跌倒 He fell on his back
踢得他仰天跌倒 Kicked him to the ground, Kicking him onto his back
今天 Today
不是今天 Not today
過了今天 After today
不會是今天 It's not today, It wouldn't be today
而且過了今天 And after today
今天的 Today's (i.e. weather)
今天早上 This morning
今天晚上 Tonight, This evening
今天怎麼樣 How are you today?, How was your day?
今天過得好嗎 Did you have a good day?, How was your day?
仿佛今天之前 As if before today, As if to this day
可是今天不同 But not today
今天我要講的是 Today I want to talk about
今天的運氣真好 Today is a lucky day
今天看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good right now
如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today
今天生日的小壽星本人 The birthday girl herself, The birthday boy himself
我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight
一天 One day, The whole day
前一天 One day before
哪一天 What day?
有一天 One day, Some day
某一天 One day
每一天 Each day, Every single day
第一天 First day
這一天 This day
那一天 The day that, That day, Then one day
總有一天 Someday, Eventually
很正常的一天 A very normal day
一天以來第一次 For the first time all day
在聖誕節前一天 The day before Christmas, One day before Christmas
笑了一天以來第一次 Smiled for the first time all day
一天到晚 All day, From dusk till dawn, From morning till night
一天夜裡 One night, One evening
一天早晨 One morning
一天的回憶 Memories of the day, A day's worth of memory, A day's worth of memories
一天的餘光 Last of the days light
有一天午後 One afternoon
第一天上學 First day of school
一天天過去了 Days go by
一天近午時分 One day near noon time, Late one morning
總有一天你會 Someday you can, The day that you
一天二十四小時 Twenty-four hours a day
日子一天天過去 As the days went by
那一天終究會來 The day would come, Then would come a day
為一天的活動做準備 Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities
有一天意外降臨在你身上 If unforeseen circumstances befall you
一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind
一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind
三天 Three days
第三天 Third day
上班的第三天 Third day of work
三天前 Three days earlier, Three days before
三天後 Three days later
才三天而已 It's only been three days
走三天的路程 3 days travel time
兩天 Two days
前兩天 Two days ago, Two days before
兩天前 Two days before, Two days earlier
兩天後 In two days
聊天 Talk, Converse
來聊天 Come to chat, Cover over to chat
不愛聊天 Don't like talking, Doesn't like talking, Didn't like talking, Didn't like to chat
坐在附近聊天 Sit nearby and chat
聊天兒 Chat
夏天 Summer time, Summer day
一到夏天 In the summer time, When summer time arrives
好多夏天 Many summers
回去年的夏天 Back to the summer of last year
心裡跳回去年的夏天 Flashing back to the previous summer
春天 Spring time
今年春天 Spring of this year, This spring
去年春天 Last spring
好多春天 Many springs
春天時 In the spring, During the spring
春天來了 Spring is here
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