
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 興


Very excited

taiˋ xing¯ fenˋ

興 xingˋ, xing¯
Happy, Enthusiastic, Cheerful, Aroused, Excited, (Xing1), Rise, Stir Up, Invigorate, Stimulate, Begin, Happen, Establish, Mobilize

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Phone , Tone


興奮 xing¯ fenˋ

Words that rhyme with 太興奮 (ai-ying)

Grouped by first phone

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

太平 taiˋ pingˊ

Peace, Peaceful

太平洋 taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ

Pacific (ocean)

太平洋海面 taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ haiˇ mianˋ

Surface of the Pacific, Surface of the Pacific ocean

太興奮 taiˋ xing¯ fenˋ

Very excited

太幸運了 taiˋ xingˋ yunˋ le˙

Extremely lucky

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

愛情 aiˋ qingˊ

Love (between man and women)

愛情恐怖 aiˋ qingˊ kongˇ buˋ

Romance-horror, Romance and horror

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

白領 baiˊ lingˇ

White collar, White collar worker

白平衡 baiˊ pingˊ hengˊ

White Balance

白平衡修正 baiˊ pingˊ hengˊ xiu¯ zhengˋ

White Balance correction

擺平 baiˇ pingˊ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

裁定 caiˊ dingˋ

Ruled, Judged, Gave a verdict

財經 caiˊ jing¯


纔明白 caiˊ mingˊ baiˊ

Finally understood

才清楚 caiˊ qing¯ chuˇ

Become clear

才行 caiˊ xingˊ

To do the work

採行 caiˇ xingˊ

Adopt, Adopts, Adopting, Adopted

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

帶病工作 daiˋ bingˋ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work despite being sick or ill

帶病教課的 daiˋ bingˋ jiaoˋ keˋ de˙

Keep on teaching despite illness

帶領 daiˋ lingˇ

Lead, Leading

帶領走過小道 daiˋ lingˇ zouˇ guoˋ xiaoˇ daoˋ

Lead down the path, Lead through the trail, Led through the lane, Lead through the lanes

待命 daiˋ mingˋ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

改名 gaiˇ mingˊ

Change name

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

海精 haiˇ jing¯

Sea nymph, Nereid

海平面 haiˇ pingˊ mianˋ

Ocean surface

海星 haiˇ xing¯

Starfish, Neptune

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

麥精 maiˋ jing¯

Malt extract

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

耐性 naiˋ xingˋ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

排名 paiˊ mingˊ

List of names by rank or seniority

排行 paiˊ xingˊ

Rank, Ranking

排行老么 paiˊ xingˊ laoˇ yao¯

The youngest

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, mai, nai, pai, zai

在丙試管中 zaiˋ bingˇ shiˋ guanˇ zhong¯

In the third test tube, In test tube 丙

在定義上有很大的不同 zaiˋ dingˋ yiˋ shangˋ youˇ henˇ daˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ

Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences

在鏡子前 zaiˋ jingˋ ziˇ qianˊ

In front of the mirror

在另外一邊的 zaiˋ lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯ de˙

On the other side

災情 zai¯ qingˊ

Extent of a disaster

在情況變得棘手以前 zaiˋ qingˊ kuangˋ bianˋ de˙ jiˊ shouˇ yiˇ qianˊ

Before things got rough

在聽 zaiˋ ting¯


在聽證會裡 zaiˋ ting¯ zhengˋ huiˋ liˇ

In the meeting

再行說明 zaiˋ xingˊ shuo¯ mingˊ

Will then go over

在行過時 zaiˋ xingˊ guoˋ shiˊ

In passing

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

麥精 maiˋ jing¯

Malt extract

太興奮 taiˋ xing¯ fenˋ

Very excited

在聽 zaiˋ ting¯


在聽證會裡 zaiˋ ting¯ zhengˋ huiˋ liˇ

In the meeting

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

災情 zai¯ qingˊ

Extent of a disaster

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

財經 caiˊ jing¯


才清楚 caiˊ qing¯ chuˇ

Become clear

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

白平衡 baiˊ pingˊ hengˊ

White Balance

白平衡修正 baiˊ pingˊ hengˊ xiu¯ zhengˋ

White Balance correction

纔明白 caiˊ mingˊ baiˊ

Finally understood

才行 caiˊ xingˊ

To do the work

排名 paiˊ mingˊ

List of names by rank or seniority

排行 paiˊ xingˊ

Rank, Ranking

排行老么 paiˊ xingˊ laoˇ yao¯

The youngest

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

白領 baiˊ lingˇ

White collar, White collar worker

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

裁定 caiˊ dingˋ

Ruled, Judged, Gave a verdict

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

海精 haiˇ jing¯

Sea nymph, Nereid

海星 haiˇ xing¯

Starfish, Neptune

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

擺平 baiˇ pingˊ


採行 caiˇ xingˊ

Adopt, Adopts, Adopting, Adopted

改名 gaiˇ mingˊ

Change name

海平面 haiˇ pingˊ mianˋ

Ocean surface

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

愛情 aiˋ qingˊ

Love (between man and women)

愛情恐怖 aiˋ qingˊ kongˇ buˋ

Romance-horror, Romance and horror

太平 taiˋ pingˊ

Peace, Peaceful

太平洋 taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ

Pacific (ocean)

太平洋海面 taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ haiˇ mianˋ

Surface of the Pacific, Surface of the Pacific ocean

在情況變得棘手以前 zaiˋ qingˊ kuangˋ bianˋ de˙ jiˊ shouˇ yiˇ qianˊ

Before things got rough

再行說明 zaiˋ xingˊ shuo¯ mingˊ

Will then go over

在行過時 zaiˋ xingˊ guoˋ shiˊ

In passing

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

帶領 daiˋ lingˇ

Lead, Leading

帶領走過小道 daiˋ lingˇ zouˇ guoˋ xiaoˇ daoˋ

Lead down the path, Lead through the trail, Led through the lane, Lead through the lanes

在丙試管中 zaiˋ bingˇ shiˋ guanˇ zhong¯

In the third test tube, In test tube 丙

41, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 42, 43, 44

帶病工作 daiˋ bingˋ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work despite being sick or ill

帶病教課的 daiˋ bingˋ jiaoˋ keˋ de˙

Keep on teaching despite illness

待命 daiˋ mingˋ


耐性 naiˋ xingˋ


太幸運了 taiˋ xingˋ yunˋ le˙

Extremely lucky

在定義上有很大的不同 zaiˋ dingˋ yiˋ shangˋ youˇ henˇ daˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ

Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences

在鏡子前 zaiˋ jingˋ ziˇ qianˊ

In front of the mirror

在另外一邊的 zaiˋ lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯ de˙

On the other side


十-大 : > : > [太]-太興 : > [太]-太興奮 >

厂-臼 : > : > [興]-興奮 : > [興]-太興奮 >

十-大 : > : > [奮]-興奮 : > [奮]-太興奮 >

太興奮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 興

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