Lose, Miss, Fail to use, Fail, Without
Word Links for words containing 失 (sorted via character pairs)
失蹤 Lost, Lose track of, Went missing, Missing
就失蹤了 Went missing, Been missing since
失蹤的兒童 Missing children
失蹤兒童頁面 Missing children page
家失蹤及被剝削兒童援助中心 National center for missing and exploited children
失敗 Lose, Fail, Unsuccessfully
有的則失敗 Some fail, Others fail, Others failed
失敗著火 Go down in flames
自動對焦失敗時 When auto-focus fails
嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure
失效 Fail, Failed, Didn't work, Didn't apply, Wasn't applicable, Was useless
由於減壓閥失效 Due to a pressure release valve failure
失望 Disappointed, Dismayed, Discouraged, Dispirited, Downhearted
別失望 Don't be disappointed, Not to worry, Don't despair
令人失望 Disappointing
傷心失望 Heart broken and sad
有多失望 Very disappointed, Extremely disappointed
得令人失望 Cause disappointment, Disappointingly
聲音中帶著失望 Sounding disappointed
子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range
失望的 Disappointed, Discouraged
失誤 Error, Flaw
失誤空間 Margin of error
失誤空間就變大了 Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
失業 Become unemployed, Lose one's job, Lose one's employment, Unemployed, Jobless
失業率 Unemployment rate
失落 Loss
強烈失落 Intense loss
期盼轉為失落 Hope turned to loss
來表現她被冷漠對待後的強烈失落 To show the intensity of her loss after being treated indifferently
失去 Lose, Lost
失去了 Lost, Gone missing
失去平衡 Lose balance
失去知覺 Unconscious
失去蹤影 Lost track of
失去了興趣 Lost interest
失去女神眷顧 Lost a goddess's favor
有人失去生命 Someone died, Someone lost their life
完全失去了主張 Completely out of ideas, At the end of their wits
逐漸失去對各國的影響力 Gradually losing authority over other states
消失 Vanish, Disappear, Vanished, Disappeared
慢慢消失 Fade, Fades
沒有消失 Had not vanished, Was still there
漸漸消失 Fading, Gradually disappearing, Gradually fading
微笑從臉上消失 The smile faded from their face
消失了 Vanished, Disappeared
消失入 Vanished into, Disappeared into
已幾乎消失了 Was almost gone, Had almost disappeared
消失在城市裡 Disappear into the city, Disappeared into the city
一下船就消失在城市裡 Disembarking and then disappearing into the city, Got off the boat and then disappeared into the city, Stepping off the boat and disappearing into the city
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