
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 友



nuuˇ pengˊ youˇ

友 youˇ
Friend, Buddy, Pal

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Phone , Tone


朋友 pengˊ youˇ

Words that rhyme with 女朋友 (yu-eng)

Grouped by first phone

nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

女朋友 nuuˇ pengˊ youˇ


女生 nuuˇ sheng¯

Girl, Female

女聲 nuuˇ sheng¯

Female voice, Feminine voice

女聲傳來 nuuˇ sheng¯ chuanˊ laiˊ

Female voice, Feminine voice

nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

鋸成 ju¯ chengˊ


鋸成木板 ju¯ chengˊ muˋ banˇ

Sawed into planks

nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

旅程 luuˇ chengˊ


率成功率 luuˋ chengˊ gong¯ luuˋ

Success rate

綠燈 luuˋ deng¯

Green light

綠燈亮了 luuˋ deng¯ liangˋ le˙

Light turned green, Traffic light turned green

nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

祛風式 qu¯ feng¯ shiˋ

Wind Relieving Pose, Pavana Muktasana

取勝 quˇ sheng¯


nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

須能 xu¯ nengˊ

Should be able (to)

nuu, ju, luu, qu, xu, yu

愚蒙 yuˊ mengˊ


雨聲 yuˇ sheng¯

The sound of rain

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

旅程 luuˇ chengˊ


女朋友 nuuˇ pengˊ youˇ


32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

祛風式 qu¯ feng¯ shiˋ

Wind Relieving Pose, Pavana Muktasana

32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

鋸成 ju¯ chengˊ


鋸成木板 ju¯ chengˊ muˋ banˇ

Sawed into planks

須能 xu¯ nengˊ

Should be able (to)

32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

愚蒙 yuˊ mengˊ


32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

女生 nuuˇ sheng¯

Girl, Female

女聲 nuuˇ sheng¯

Female voice, Feminine voice

女聲傳來 nuuˇ sheng¯ chuanˊ laiˊ

Female voice, Feminine voice

取勝 quˇ sheng¯


雨聲 yuˇ sheng¯

The sound of rain

32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

綠燈 luuˋ deng¯

Green light

綠燈亮了 luuˋ deng¯ liangˋ le˙

Light turned green, Traffic light turned green

32, 11, 12, 22, 31, 41, 42

率成功率 luuˋ chengˊ gong¯ luuˋ

Success rate


𠄌-女 : > : > [女]-女朋 : > [女]-女朋友 >

冂-月 : > : > [朋]-朋友 : > [朋]-女朋友 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [友]-朋友 : > [友]-女朋友 >

女朋友 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 友

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