Like, As If, Such As, If, According To, Should, Ought, As Good As, On Time
Word Links for words containing 如 (sorted via character pairs)
如果 As if, If
知道如果 Knew that if
那是說如果 That is saying if
而且我猜如果 And I guess if
如果說 Assume, If we assume, If, say
如果不是 If it isn't, If it wasn't
如果他們 If they
如果我想當 If I wanted to
但如果是這樣 But if this was the case, But in that case, But if that was the case
如果你來我家 If you come to my house, If you come to my home
如果我想當個 If I wanted to be a
如果我聽懂你 If I understand you
如果有任何人 If anyone else
如果這是真的 If that is true
如果她哪天迷路 If she ever got lost
如果換作是別人 If it were someone else, Were it anyone else
如果發生了什麼 If something happened
猜如果他們知道 Guess if they knew
如果你認為你見過 If you think you've seen
如果我沒有會錯意 If I understand correctly
如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know
如果有什麼東西壞 If something breaks
是如果我聽懂你的 It is if I understand you
看的時間如果夠久 If looking long enough
如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today
如果將絞車換成踏車 If the winch is replaced with a treadmill
如果沿著日落大道走 If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard
如果這樣都還不用提 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning
但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission
因此如果我聽懂你的意思 If I understand what you mean, If I'm following you
如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you
如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed
如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of
如果是我 If it was me, If it were me
如果我是她 If I was her
如果你用的是 If you had been using, If you were using
如果來真的話 When it's for real
如果是我的話 If it were me
你如果找不到他 If you can't find him
你如果找不到她 If you can't find her
如何 What if, How, How to
無論如何 In any case, Anyway, No matter what
結果如何 Outcome, Result
如何灌輸 How to instill
如何找到他 How to find him
如何秤大象 How to weigh an elephant
自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things
他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives
他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money
如何賺錢 How to make money
開始思考如何賺錢 Start to think about how to make money, Starts to think about how to make money, Starting to think about how to make money
他如何成為 How he became
她如何成為 How she became
學會了如何控制 Learned to control it, Learned how to control it
只是學會了如何控制 Just learned to control it
他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected
她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected
如釋重負地嘆了口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief, Breathes a sigh of relief, Breathing a sigh of relief, Breathed a sigh of relief
雪白如昔 As white as before
又雪白如昔 Be just as white as before
幾秒後它又雪白如昔 After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before
如下 As follows:
作法如下 This is done as follows:, The method is as follows:
方式如下 Method is as follows
費用另計算如下 Fees are calculated as follows
如下圖 As shown (in picture) below
其計算方式如下表 Its calculation method is as follows
如此 And so, Thus, Like this
但願如此 Hope so, Let's hope so
即使如此 That's all, That's why
持續如此 Stay that way, Stay like this
一直都是如此 It had always been this way.
事情既然如此 That being the case
她不希望如此 She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen
情況就是如此 This is the case, This is how it is
起碼目前如此 At least for now, At least for the time being
還不只是如此 Not only that, More than that
一年到頭都如此 Year round it was always like this
大概會持續如此 Would probably stay like this
幾乎一年到頭都如此 It was like this nearly the whole year round
在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was
如此一來 And so if someone arrives, And so what it comes down to
諸如此類 And so on
如此類的事 And so on like this, Or something like this
如此壯觀的東西 Anything so spectacular, Something so spectacular, Something so amazing
如此驚人的空洞 Was so stunningly inane
看見他如此的舉動 Seeing him like this
為什麼男人如此愚蠢 Why are men so stupid?
被他們如此認真看待 Taken seriously, To be taken seriously
讓他展現如此之態度 Gave him such an attitude
如此之好 So good, So well
效果如此之好 Work so well, works so well, Worked so well
如有 If
如有需要 And if need be
如有不清楚 If anything is unclear, If there is anything you don't understand
如有變焦鏡頭 If using a zoom lens
一如 Just like, Just as
一如既往 As always
一如往常地 As usual
一如他所知的 As he had known would be the case, As he had known
不如 Better to, Why not
不如說 Rather say
聞名不如見面 To hear of someone's reputation is not the same as knowing them
盡信書則不如無書 To believe all that is written is worse than not reading
有如 Like
有如不速之客 Like an uninvited guest
景象有如看著爆炸 It was like watching an explosion
有如學著往後溜冰 Like learning to skate backwards
有如倒過來的一棵樹 Like an inverted tree
有如毛巾般地擰扭著 Twisted like a rag
有如灰色面紗的雷雨 Like gray veiled thunderstorms, Thunderstorms like a gray veil
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