Index for words including 始


Start, Begin

Word Links for words containing 始 (sorted via character pairs)

始 shiˇ
Start, Begin

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


始終 Beginning to end

貫徹始終 Thoroughly, Be consistent from beginning to end

他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man


始皇 First Emperor

始皇 First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty


始至 From start to finish


始末 From beginning to end, Throughout


開始 Start, Starts, Starting, Started, Begin, Begins, Beginning, Began

開始 Began to, Started to, At first, Initially

開始 And so began (to)

剛剛開始 Had just started, Was just getting started

即刻開始 Start immediately

重新開始 Fresh start, New beginning

然後才開始 Only then did we start, Then we finally started

自事件開始 From the start of the incident, Since the start of the incident

開始 Started, Began, Has started, Has began

開始分配 Begin rationing

開始吐血 Start coughing up blood

開始咳嗽 Started to cough, Started coughing

開始尖叫 Start to scream

開始形成 Began to form, Began to develop

開始解釋 Began to explain, Began explaining, Started explaining

開始認識 Started to get to know, Began to understand

開始送報 Started delivering newspapers

開始爬下山 Begin climbing down, Began climbing down

開始緊張了 Became worried, Began to worry

開始訓練了 Began training

開始享受它 I began to enjoy

開始出現細紋 Start to wrinkle, Starting to wrinkle, Wrinkles started appearing

開始分配食物 Begin rationing food

開始舔牆壁了 Start licking the walls

開始頁面佈滿 Initially the page was covered with

開始在記憶中模糊 Beginning to fade from memory

開始思考如何賺錢 Start to think about how to make money, Starts to think about how to make money, Starting to think about how to make money

開始覺得舒服一點 Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning

多半在開始出現細紋的眼睛四周 Mostly around the eyes where wrinkles were starting to appear

他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money

開始出現 Start to appear, Starting to appear

皺紋開始出現 Wrinkles start to appear, Wrinkles started to appear

開始學習魔法 He started to learn magic

開始學習魔法 She started to learn magic

先吃飯再開始幹活 Eat first and then start working, Eat first and work later

他決定先吃飯再開始幹活 He decided to eat first and then start work

她決定先吃飯再開始幹活 She decided to eat first and then start work

真的開始覺得不安 Truly started to feel a sense of disquiet

才真的開始覺得不安 Only then started to truly feel uneasy

恐懼開始滲透他的身體 Fear started to work through his body, Fear started to work through him

恐懼開始滲透她的身體 Fear started to work through her body, Fear started to work through her


終始 From beginning to end


原始 Original, Source, Origin, Primitive, Primaeval

原始 Most basic, Most primitive

原始 Primitive

原始 Original, Initial, Primal

原始衝動 Primal impulses


一元复始 A new year begins, Beginning of the new year


初始 Initial

初始的速度 Initial speed


創始 Start, Begin, Commence

創始 Founder

創始 Founder

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