Index for words including 嬰


Infant, Child

Word Links for words containing 嬰 (sorted via character pairs)

嬰 ying¯
Infant, Child

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


嬰孩 Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰孩 Baby


嬰兒 Baby, Infant

嬰兒 Feed the baby

嬰兒床裡的嬰兒 A baby in a crib

嬰兒 Crib

嬰兒 Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒 Nursery, Baby's room

嬰兒 Infant's, An infant's

嬰兒式休息 Resting Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒的哭聲 The cry of a baby, A baby's cry, The baby's cry

嬰兒時的小名 Baby name, Name used when one is a baby

嬰兒在哭的聲音 It is the sound of a baby crying, It was the sound of a baby crying


嬰室 Nursery, Babies room


女嬰 Baby girl

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