Index for words including 定


Steady, Fixed, Stable, Set, Decide, Determine, Settle

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


定居 Settle

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system


定時 Timer, Set the time, Set for a fixed time

定時炸藥 Dynamite on a timer


定罪 Convict, Conviction

依此定罪 Find guilty, Convict, Convicted


居無定所 Of no fixed abode


定名 Named, Referred to as


定位 Position, Place, Positioned, Arranged

定位範圍 Effective range

回波定位 Echo location

回聲定位 Echo location


定做 Customized


定價 Fixed price, Fix a price, Set a price


定律 Law of science, Scientific law

反射定律 Law of reflection

槓桿定律 Law of leverage


定為 Set to

其係數定為 Its coefficient is set to

定為 Set to 1, Set to one


定向 Direction, Directional


定論 Conclusion


定額 Quota


定心 Peace of mind


定金 Deposit


定義 Definition

定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences


定期 Regular, Regularly


定下 Settle down

在某個地方定下 Settle down somewhere


定理 Theorem, Theorems

畢氏定理 Pythagorean Theorem

平方根與畢氏定理 Square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem


定形 Regular, Steady

定形 Regular, Steady


固定 Fixed in place, Secured (by)

用以固定 Used to hold, Use to hold securely, Used to securely fix

固定 Fixed in place, Secured (by)

固定周長 Perimeter with a fixed length, Fixed length perimeter, Constant perimeter

固定的地方 Fixed location

固定的質量 Fixed mass

每天固定配糧 Fixed daily rations

固定的工作 Regular work, A stable job

一個固定的工作 A regular job


界定 Define


限定 Limited


斷定 Conclude


約定 Appoint, Arrange, Promise, Agree, Agreement

約定俗成 Custom, Convention, Common use

約定 Bespoke

約定製部 Bespoke department


習定 Release desired through meditation


預定 Scheduled, Reserved

原本預定 Originally intended (to last), Originally scheduled (for)

預定抵達時間 Scheduled arrival time


原定 Originally intended (for)

原定全長三十一日 Was originally intended to last for 31 Days


堅定 Steady, Firm

快速且堅定 Fast and firm, Quick and determined

愈來愈堅定 Increasingly more steady, Increasingly more firm

驚人快速且堅定 Startling speed and determination, Alarmingly quick and determined, Shocking speed and steadiness

動作驚人快速且堅定 Moving with shocking speed and steadiness, Moved with alarming speed and determination

堅定 Determinedly

堅定的道道砍擊 Sturdy stroke, Steady swing, Unwavering strike


制定 Establish, Set up, Institute, Initiate, Formulate, Draw up, Work out, Figure out


特定 Specific, Specified, Specially designated, Given

特定 Specific, Specially designated


假定 Supposedly, Supposed, Assume, Assumed


穩定 Stabilize, Steady

穩定 Unstable, Easily changeable, Labile

穩定 Stable, Not moving, Still

並不穩定 Unstable

核心穩定 Core stability, Core stabilization

狀態穩定 Condition is stable

足夠穩定 Sufficiently stable

穩定 Stabilizer

穩定 Stabilizer, Stabilizing device

穩定 Stability

穩定 Stable

穩定 Unstable, Easily changeable, Liable to change, Labile, Easily altered

穩定 Is a bit more stable

影像穩定 Image stabilizer

狀態穩定 Condition has stablized, Condition is stable

鏡頭影像穩定 Lens image stabilizer

穩定下來 Stable, Stabilize, Make stable, Steady up

穩定平衡 Stable equilibrium, Stable balance

穩定的新領域 Ever shifting boundary, Variable boundary, Variable border

樸實和夏季舒適之間不穩定的新領域 The variable border between modesty and summer comfort


訂定 Set

訂定標準 Set standard, Standard, standards


設定 Establish, Set up, Setting up, Setting, Establishing

功能設定 Function Settings

所有設定 All Settings

自動設定 Automatically set, Set automatically

選單設定 Menu settings

預設設定 Default settings

風險設定 Wind tolerance

拍攝功能設定 Shooting Function Settings

檢查相機設定 Check camera settings

自訂功能設定 Custom Function Settings

回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings

設定白平衡 Setting White Balance

設定曝光參數 Set exposure parameters, Set exposure

設定曝光補償 Setting Exposure Compensation

設定版權資訊 Setting copyright Information

設定自訂功能 Setting Custom Functions

設定色彩空間 Setting the Color Space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB

設定影像記錄畫質 Setting the image recording quality

設定時間響起的鬧鐘 An alarm clock set to go of at a particular time

設定曝光參數以配合場景 Set exposure parameters to suit the scene, Set exposure to suit the scene

設定日期及時間 Setting Time and Date

設定影像檢視時間 Setting Image Review Time

設定自動關閉電源時間 Setting Auto Power-off Time

拍攝設定畫面顏色 Shooting settings, Picture taking settings

變更拍攝設定畫面顏色 Changing shooting settings screen color


評定 Examine, Judge, Decide, Evaluate

評定給予二等艙 Rated a second class cabin, Deemed worthy of a second class cabin

評定給予 Rated, Deemed worthy

評定給予 Been granted, Deemed worthy of


認定 Assumed

認定 Was assumed

而被認定 And so was assumed

而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead


安定 Stable, Secure

安定鎮靜劑 Tranquilizer

精神安定 Tranquilizer


審定 Authorize, Examine and approve, Approve


決定 Decision, Decide, Decides, Deciding, Decided

決定 I decided

決定 Finally decide (to)

一個決定 A decision

下的決定 The next decision, The resulting decision

做下決定 Made a decision, Made the decision

自我決定 Decide for one's self

可自我決定 Can decide for one's self

做了一個決定 Made a decision

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide

決定 Decided, Dictated, Determined

決定 Decisive, Decide, Decides, Deciding, Decided, Determine, Determines, Determining, Determined

決定採取 Decided to use, Decided to adopt, Decided to take

決定性因素 Decisive factor, Determining factor

決定還是有效 Decision is still valid, Decision was still valid

決定接通過武力迫使 Decide to use force of arms to compel

決定正確曝光 Determine the correct exposure

決定正確曝光 To determine the correct exposure

測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure

決定先吃飯再開始幹活 He decided to eat first and then start work

決定先吃飯再開始幹活 She decided to eat first and then start work


法定 Legal, Stipulated by law

法定 Unable to settle down

就無法定居在任何地 Unable to settle down anywhere


注定 Destined, Preordained, Fated, Doomed

太過注定 So much a given, So greatly predestined


測定 Determine, Measure, Measurement, Assessment, Determination


選定 Select, Selected

選定的地方 Selected location

原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations


必定 Sure to, Bound to, Highly likely to, Must


鎖定 Lock, Locked

對焦鎖定 Focus Lock

這稱為對焦鎖定 This is called focus lock


鎮定 Self composed

鎮定下來 Calm down

必須要鎮定下來 Needed to calm down, Needed to be calm

讓自己鎮定下來 Calming, Steadying, Self-calming, Self-steadying

鎮定自如 Self composed

精神鎮定 Tranquilizer


鐵定 Definitely, For sure

班上的同學鐵定會偷笑 Those in class would definitely have snickered


鑑定 Examine, Appraise

鑑定 Upon examination, During appraisal


奠定 Lay foundation, Consolidate, Settle

奠定秦國富強的基礎 Laying a foundation for Qin to be prosperous and Strong


判定 Determination


指揮若定 Competent leadership, Retain composure even while in-charge of a big operation


一定 Definitely, Probably

一定 Not certain, Not definite, Indefinite, Unsure

沒有一定 Indefinite, Undefined, General, Unspecific, Non-specified

那可不一定 Not necessarily, That isn't definite

一定 Definitely need to, Definitely should

一定 Will, Would

一定 Definitely need to, Want to, Wanting to, Should definitely

一定 You are probably hungry

一定 I will

一定 This must be

我們一定 We have to, We must

一定要選 Must choose

一定會很棒 It'll be wonderful, It'll be great

一定要多試試 Don't give up, Keep trying

一定很難想像 You probably find it difficult to imagine

一定有幾百公里長 Must have been a hundred kilometers long

裡頭一定什麼也沒有 There would be nothing inside, There is nothing inside, It would be empty, It is empty

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards

一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out

一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out


下定 Make a decision

下定決心 Determined

我已經下定決心 I am determined


不定 Unstable

不定 Maybe, Could have

心神不定 Restless mood

游移不定 Hesitant, Vacillating, Undecided

神思不定 Distracted

行蹤不定 Whereabouts uncertain

不定 Non-directional, Undirected, Without a direction

不定式的 Verb Infinitive

不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped


否定 Deny, Refute

否定 Negative Sentence, Negative

否定語氣詞 Negative Word Element


平定 Quell a revolt, Settle, Settled

被清軍平定 Quelled by forces of the Qing emperor


而定 Depending on

視問題而定 Depends on the question

視乎場景而定 Depending on the scene, Depending on how scene looks


死定 Going to die, Definitely going to die, Dead (am going to be dead), Fucked

死定 Going to die, Definitely going to die, Dead (am going to be dead), Fucked


確定 Sure, Positive, Determine, Definitely, Right, Correct, True

確定 Unsure, Undecided, Wasn't sure

確定 He was sure

確定 Most definitely

確定 Fairly certain, Fairly sure

我不確定 I'm not sure

滿意確定 Fully sure, Determine to one's satisfaction, Satisfied

為了確定 To be sure, Just to be sure

無法確定 Couldn't be sure

非常確定 Pretty sure

我非常確定 I am pretty sure, I am fairly sure

讓我很確定 Makes me pretty sure (that)

必須非常確定 Would have to be pretty sure

我甚至不確定 I'm not even sure, I'm not sure that

等他滿意確定 When he was fully sure, When he had determined to his satisfaction

以某種方法確定 Was somehow certain

不是百分之百的確定 Not a hundred percent certain

確定 Sense of certainty

確定 Are you sure?, Are you positive?

你只是不確定 You're just not sure?

確定無疑 Certain, Sure, Without a doubt

以某種方法確定無疑 Was somehow certain, Was somehow sure, Was certain without a doubt

確定可以嗎 Sure it's okay?

確定為什麼 Was not sure why

我唯一確定的是 All I know for sure is

確定能信任他嗎 Are you sure you can trust him?

確定能信任她嗎 Are you sure you can trust her?

為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure


肯定 Certain, Positive, Sure

無法肯定 No way of telling for sure, No way of being certain


協定 Agreement, Protocol

早期協定標準 Early protocol


裁定 Ruled, Judged, Gave a verdict


規定 Rules, Regulations

嚴格規定 Strict rules

破壞規定 Break the rules

都有嚴格規定 All have strict rules

規定 Stipulate, Stipulates


核定 Approve, Check, Ratify, Check and then decide


指定 Appoint, Assign, Appointed, Assigned

指定位置 Assigned position


搞定 Got it

一手搞定 Single-handed, Single-handedly


擬定 Draw up, Map out, Draft

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