
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 作


Writing style

xieˇ zuoˋ shouˇ faˇ

作 zuoˋ, zuoˊ
Act, Do, Serve As, Make, Write, Compose, Create, Author, Creator, Composer

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Phone , Tone


寫作 xieˇ zuoˋ

手法 shouˇ faˇ

Words that rhyme with 寫作手法 (ye-wo)

Grouped by first phone

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

斜臥 xieˊ woˋ

Recline, Recumbent

協作 xieˊ zuoˋ


寫作 xieˇ zuoˋ


寫作手法 xieˇ zuoˋ shouˇ faˇ

Writing style

寫作業 xieˇ zuoˋ yeˋ

Write homework

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

別說 bieˊ shuo¯

Don't say

別作夢了 bieˊ zuoˋ mengˋ le˙

Stop dreaming

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

跌落 die¯ luoˋ

Fall, Fall down

疊坐 dieˊ zuoˋ

Sit cross legged

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

接過 jie¯ guoˋ


結果 jieˊ guoˇ

Result, As a result, Outcome, Conclusion

結果咧 jieˊ guoˇ lie¯

And now (sheepishly)

結果如何 jieˊ guoˇ ruˊ heˊ

Outcome, Result

結果我錯了 jieˊ guoˇ woˇ cuoˋ le˙

And I was wrong

借過 jieˋ guoˋ

Move over, Move aside

接獲 jie¯ huoˋ


解說 jieˇ shuo¯

Explain, Narrate, Comment, Define

解說完畢 jieˇ shuo¯ wanˊ biˋ

Completely explained, Finish explaining, Finishes explaining, Finishing explaining, Finished explaining

界說 jieˋ shuo¯


解脫 jieˇ tuo¯

Liberate, Become free from worldly worries

借我 jieˋ woˇ

Lend me, For lending me

傑作 jieˊ zuoˋ


xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

列國 lieˋ guoˊ

States, Nations, Various states and nations

列國國君 lieˋ guoˊ guoˊ jun¯

Kings of states, State sovereigns, State monarchs

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

滅火器 mieˋ huoˇ qiˋ

Fire extinguisher, Fire extinguishers

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

捏握 nie¯ woˋ

Grip, Knead, Hold tightly

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

切磋 qie¯ cuo¯

Learn from discussion, Learn from an exchange of views

且說 qieˇ shuo¯

Let us now talk about…

xie, bie, die, jie, lie, mie, nie, qie, ye

也或許不會 yeˇ huoˋ xuˇ buˊ huiˋ

And maybe not, And perhaps not

腋窩 yeˋ wo¯


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

寫作 xieˇ zuoˋ


寫作手法 xieˇ zuoˋ shouˇ faˇ

Writing style

寫作業 xieˇ zuoˋ yeˋ

Write homework

也或許不會 yeˇ huoˋ xuˇ buˊ huiˋ

And maybe not, And perhaps not

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

切磋 qie¯ cuo¯

Learn from discussion, Learn from an exchange of views

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

跌落 die¯ luoˋ

Fall, Fall down

接過 jie¯ guoˋ


接獲 jie¯ huoˋ


捏握 nie¯ woˋ

Grip, Knead, Hold tightly

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

別說 bieˊ shuo¯

Don't say

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

結果 jieˊ guoˇ

Result, As a result, Outcome, Conclusion

結果咧 jieˊ guoˇ lie¯

And now (sheepishly)

結果如何 jieˊ guoˇ ruˊ heˊ

Outcome, Result

結果我錯了 jieˊ guoˇ woˇ cuoˋ le˙

And I was wrong

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

別作夢了 bieˊ zuoˋ mengˋ le˙

Stop dreaming

疊坐 dieˊ zuoˋ

Sit cross legged

傑作 jieˊ zuoˋ


斜臥 xieˊ woˋ

Recline, Recumbent

協作 xieˊ zuoˋ


34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

解說 jieˇ shuo¯

Explain, Narrate, Comment, Define

解說完畢 jieˇ shuo¯ wanˊ biˋ

Completely explained, Finish explaining, Finishes explaining, Finishing explaining, Finished explaining

解脫 jieˇ tuo¯

Liberate, Become free from worldly worries

且說 qieˇ shuo¯

Let us now talk about…

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

界說 jieˋ shuo¯


腋窩 yeˋ wo¯


34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

列國 lieˋ guoˊ

States, Nations, Various states and nations

列國國君 lieˋ guoˊ guoˊ jun¯

Kings of states, State sovereigns, State monarchs

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

借我 jieˋ woˇ

Lend me, For lending me

滅火器 mieˋ huoˇ qiˋ

Fire extinguisher, Fire extinguishers

34, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

借過 jieˋ guoˋ

Move over, Move aside


丶-宀 : > : > [寫]-寫作 : > [寫]-寫作手法 >

丿-亻 : > : > [作]-寫作 : > [作]-寫作手法 >

丿-千 : > : > [手]-手法 : > [手]-寫作手法 >

丶-氵 : > : > [法]-手法 : > [法]-寫作手法 >

寫作手法 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 作

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