
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 軍


General, Admiral, Checkmate

jiang¯ jun¯

軍 jun¯
Army, Military, Soldiers, Troops

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 將軍 (yang-yun)

Grouped by first phone

jiang, xiang

將軍 jiang¯ jun¯

General, Admiral, Checkmate

將軍隊 jiang¯ jun¯ duiˋ

Cause army, Order forces

將軍隊撤離 jiang¯ jun¯ duiˋ cheˋ liˊ

Order army to evacuate

jiang, xiang

香燻雞排 xiang¯ xun¯ ji¯ paiˊ

Fried smoked chicken strips

像訓練肌肉那樣地練習 xiangˋ xunˋ lianˋ ji¯ rouˋ naˋ yangˋ diˋ lianˋ xiˊ

Exercised it like a muscle

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 44

將軍 jiang¯ jun¯

General, Admiral, Checkmate

將軍隊 jiang¯ jun¯ duiˋ

Cause army, Order forces

將軍隊撤離 jiang¯ jun¯ duiˋ cheˋ liˊ

Order army to evacuate

香燻雞排 xiang¯ xun¯ ji¯ paiˊ

Fried smoked chicken strips

11, 44

像訓練肌肉那樣地練習 xiangˋ xunˋ lianˋ ji¯ rouˋ naˋ yangˋ diˋ lianˋ xiˊ

Exercised it like a muscle


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將軍 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 軍

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