
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 子


Little person

xiaoˇ geˋ ziˇ

子 ziˇ, zi˙
Son, Child, Noun Suffix, Particle, Grain, Egg, Seed, From 11Pm To 1Am, Rat

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Phone , Tone


個子 geˋ ziˇ

Words that rhyme with 小個子 (yao-e)

Grouped by first phone

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

校車 xiaoˋ che¯

School bus

校車來之前 xiaoˋ che¯ laiˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before the school bus came

曉得 xiaoˇ de˙

Be aware of, Know, Aware

笑得很開心 xiaoˋ de˙ henˇ kai¯ xin¯

Smiled happily

笑的 xiaoˋ de˙

To smile

笑的衝動 xiaoˋ de˙ chong¯ dongˋ

Impulse to smile

小個子 xiaoˇ geˋ ziˇ

Little person

笑個 xiaoˋ ge˙


小河 xiaoˇ heˊ

Stream, Small river

小河仙女 xiaoˇ heˊ xian¯ nuuˇ

Naiad, Naiads

笑了 xiaoˋ le˙

Smiled, Laughed

笑了一天以來第一次 xiaoˋ le˙ yiˋ tian¯ yiˇ laiˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Smiled for the first time all day

笑了出來 xiaoˋ le˙ chu¯ laiˊ

Laughed out loud, Laughed

笑著 xiaoˋ zhe˙

Laughingly, Smilingly

笑著說 xiaoˋ zhe˙ shuo¯

Said with a smile, Said with a laugh, Laughingly said

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

表哥 biaoˇ ge¯


表格 biaoˇ geˊ


xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

吊車 diaoˋ che¯


掉得 diaoˋ deˊ

Dropped, Fell

雕刻 diao¯ keˋ

Sculpture, Carving, Engraving, Carve, Engrave, Sculpt

掉了下來 diaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Fell, Dropped down

掉了下去 diaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ quˋ

Fell down

掉色 diaoˋ seˋ


掉色了 diaoˋ seˋ le˙


xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

絞車 jiaoˇ che¯


叫車 jiaoˋ che¯

Hail a cab, Get a cab

轎車 jiaoˋ che¯


教得不錯 jiaoˋ deˊ buˊ cuoˋ

Teach well

攪和 jiaoˇ heˊ

Mix evenly, Stir, Blend, Mix up, Confuse

教科書 jiaoˋ ke¯ shu¯

Schoolbook, Schoolbooks, Textbook, Textbooks

交了 jiao¯ le˙

Met, Gave, Handed over

叫了 jiaoˋ le˙

Hailed, Called out to

叫了一聲 jiaoˋ le˙ yiˋ sheng¯

Call out, Called out, Say, Said

教了 jiaoˋ le˙


教了二十年的書 jiaoˋ le˙ erˋ shiˊ nianˊ de˙ shu¯

Taught for twenty years

交涉 jiao¯ sheˋ


叫什麼名字 jiaoˋ sheˊ me˙ mingˊ ziˋ

What is your name

交著 jiao¯ zhe˙


交著雙臂 jiao¯ zhe˙ shuang¯ biˋ

Crossed arms

嚼著 jiaoˊ zhe˙

Chew, Chewing on, Chewed

叫著 jiaoˋ zhe˙


xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

療了 liaoˊ le˙


療了傷 liaoˊ le˙ shang¯

Had injuries treated

聊了一會 liaoˊ le˙ yiˊ huiˋ

Chatted (for a while)

瞭了 liaoˇ le˙

Understand, Comprehend, Get it

瞭了吧 liaoˇ le˙ ba¯

Understand?, Get it?

聊著天 liaoˊ zhe˙ tian¯

Talking, Chatting

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

瞄了 miaoˊ le˙


瞄了一眼 miaoˊ le˙ yiˋ yanˇ

Glance at, Glanced at

瞄了他一眼 miaoˊ le˙ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Glanced at him

妙了 miaoˋ le˙


xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 niaoˋ deˊ zhengˇ ge˙ maˇ tongˇ quan¯ daoˋ chuˋ dou¯ shiˋ

Pee all over the toilet seat

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

飄了 piao¯ le˙


飄了過來 piao¯ le˙ guoˋ laiˊ

Waft over, Wafts over

飄著 piao¯ zhe˙

Wafted, Floated

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

巧合 qiaoˇ heˊ


巧克力 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ


巧克力醬 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ jiangˋ

Chocolate Sauce

巧克力香蕉 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ xiang¯ jiao¯


敲了一記 qiao¯ le˙ yiˊ jiˋ

Struck a note, Struck and created a sound

敲了門 qiao¯ le˙ menˊ

Knocked on the door, Knocked

巧舌 qiaoˇ sheˊ

Insincere words

巧舌如簧 qiaoˇ sheˊ ruˊ huangˊ


敲著 qiao¯ zhe˙

Strike, Hit, Beat

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

跳得好快 tiaoˋ deˊ haoˇ kuaiˋ

Jumped quickly

跳得 tiaoˋ de˙

Danced, Jumped (e.g. beautifully)

跳了 tiaoˋ le˙

Danced, Jumped

跳了一夜 tiaoˋ le˙ yiˊ yeˋ

Dancing through the night, Dancing into the night

跳了下來 tiaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Jumped down, Jumped

調色劑 tiaoˊ seˋ jiˋ


挑著扁擔 tiao¯ zhe˙ bianˇ dan¯

Carry a pole, Carries a pole, Carrying a pole, Carried a pole

跳著 tiaoˋ zhe˙

Jumping, Hopping

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

遙測 yaoˊ ceˋ

Remote sensing, Telemetering, Telemetry

要的 yaoˋ de˙

Wanted, Ordered

要的人不多 yaoˋ de˙ renˊ buˋ duo¯

Didn't need too many people, Wanted a small number of people

遙隔 yaoˊ geˊ

Far away, Far off

咬合不正 yaoˇ heˊ buˊ zhengˋ

Malocclusion, Irregular bite, Cross bite, Overbite

搖了搖頭 yaoˊ le˙ yaoˊ touˊ

Shook their head

舀了 yaoˇ le˙


要麼 yaoˋ me˙

Either or, Or

要什麼 yaoˋ sheˊ me˙

What do you want, Whatever you want

搖著頭 yaoˊ zhe˙ touˊ

Shake head, Shake their head, Shaking their head

搖著頭覺得不可思議 yaoˊ zhe˙ touˊ jueˊ deˊ buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ

Shook their head in wonderment, Shook their head feeling wonderful, Was shaking their head in wonder

咬著 yaoˇ zhe˙

Biting down on, Holding in mouth, Holding in one's teeth

咬著光筒 yaoˇ zhe˙ guang¯ tongˇ

Hold a torch with one's teeth, Holding a torch in their teeth

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

巧克力 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ


巧克力醬 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ jiangˋ

Chocolate Sauce

巧克力香蕉 qiaoˇ keˋ liˋ xiang¯ jiao¯


小個子 xiaoˇ geˋ ziˇ

Little person

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

雕刻 diao¯ keˋ

Sculpture, Carving, Engraving, Carve, Engrave, Sculpt

交涉 jiao¯ sheˋ


34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

交了 jiao¯ le˙

Met, Gave, Handed over

交著 jiao¯ zhe˙


交著雙臂 jiao¯ zhe˙ shuang¯ biˋ

Crossed arms

飄了 piao¯ le˙


飄了過來 piao¯ le˙ guoˋ laiˊ

Waft over, Wafts over

飄著 piao¯ zhe˙

Wafted, Floated

敲了一記 qiao¯ le˙ yiˊ jiˋ

Struck a note, Struck and created a sound

敲了門 qiao¯ le˙ menˊ

Knocked on the door, Knocked

敲著 qiao¯ zhe˙

Strike, Hit, Beat

挑著扁擔 tiao¯ zhe˙ bianˇ dan¯

Carry a pole, Carries a pole, Carrying a pole, Carried a pole

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

遙隔 yaoˊ geˊ

Far away, Far off

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

調色劑 tiaoˊ seˋ jiˋ


遙測 yaoˊ ceˋ

Remote sensing, Telemetering, Telemetry

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

嚼著 jiaoˊ zhe˙

Chew, Chewing on, Chewed

療了 liaoˊ le˙


療了傷 liaoˊ le˙ shang¯

Had injuries treated

聊了一會 liaoˊ le˙ yiˊ huiˋ

Chatted (for a while)

聊著天 liaoˊ zhe˙ tian¯

Talking, Chatting

瞄了 miaoˊ le˙


瞄了一眼 miaoˊ le˙ yiˋ yanˇ

Glance at, Glanced at

瞄了他一眼 miaoˊ le˙ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Glanced at him

搖了搖頭 yaoˊ le˙ yaoˊ touˊ

Shook their head

搖著頭 yaoˊ zhe˙ touˊ

Shake head, Shake their head, Shaking their head

搖著頭覺得不可思議 yaoˊ zhe˙ touˊ jueˊ deˊ buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ

Shook their head in wonderment, Shook their head feeling wonderful, Was shaking their head in wonder

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

表哥 biaoˇ ge¯


絞車 jiaoˇ che¯


34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

表格 biaoˇ geˊ


攪和 jiaoˇ heˊ

Mix evenly, Stir, Blend, Mix up, Confuse

巧合 qiaoˇ heˊ


巧舌 qiaoˇ sheˊ

Insincere words

巧舌如簧 qiaoˇ sheˊ ruˊ huangˊ


小河 xiaoˇ heˊ

Stream, Small river

小河仙女 xiaoˇ heˊ xian¯ nuuˇ

Naiad, Naiads

咬合不正 yaoˇ heˊ buˊ zhengˋ

Malocclusion, Irregular bite, Cross bite, Overbite

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

瞭了 liaoˇ le˙

Understand, Comprehend, Get it

瞭了吧 liaoˇ le˙ ba¯

Understand?, Get it?

曉得 xiaoˇ de˙

Be aware of, Know, Aware

舀了 yaoˇ le˙


咬著 yaoˇ zhe˙

Biting down on, Holding in mouth, Holding in one's teeth

咬著光筒 yaoˇ zhe˙ guang¯ tongˇ

Hold a torch with one's teeth, Holding a torch in their teeth

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

吊車 diaoˋ che¯


叫車 jiaoˋ che¯

Hail a cab, Get a cab

轎車 jiaoˋ che¯


教科書 jiaoˋ ke¯ shu¯

Schoolbook, Schoolbooks, Textbook, Textbooks

校車 xiaoˋ che¯

School bus

校車來之前 xiaoˋ che¯ laiˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before the school bus came

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

掉得 diaoˋ deˊ

Dropped, Fell

教得不錯 jiaoˋ deˊ buˊ cuoˋ

Teach well

叫什麼名字 jiaoˋ sheˊ me˙ mingˊ ziˋ

What is your name

尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 niaoˋ deˊ zhengˇ ge˙ maˇ tongˇ quan¯ daoˋ chuˋ dou¯ shiˋ

Pee all over the toilet seat

跳得好快 tiaoˋ deˊ haoˇ kuaiˋ

Jumped quickly

要什麼 yaoˋ sheˊ me˙

What do you want, Whatever you want

34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

掉色 diaoˋ seˋ


掉色了 diaoˋ seˋ le˙


34, 14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45

掉了下來 diaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Fell, Dropped down

掉了下去 diaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ quˋ

Fell down

叫了 jiaoˋ le˙

Hailed, Called out to

叫了一聲 jiaoˋ le˙ yiˋ sheng¯

Call out, Called out, Say, Said

教了 jiaoˋ le˙


教了二十年的書 jiaoˋ le˙ erˋ shiˊ nianˊ de˙ shu¯

Taught for twenty years

叫著 jiaoˋ zhe˙


妙了 miaoˋ le˙


跳得 tiaoˋ de˙

Danced, Jumped (e.g. beautifully)

跳了 tiaoˋ le˙

Danced, Jumped

跳了一夜 tiaoˋ le˙ yiˊ yeˋ

Dancing through the night, Dancing into the night

跳了下來 tiaoˋ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Jumped down, Jumped

跳著 tiaoˋ zhe˙

Jumping, Hopping

笑得很開心 xiaoˋ de˙ henˇ kai¯ xin¯

Smiled happily

笑的 xiaoˋ de˙

To smile

笑的衝動 xiaoˋ de˙ chong¯ dongˋ

Impulse to smile

笑個 xiaoˋ ge˙


笑了 xiaoˋ le˙

Smiled, Laughed

笑了一天以來第一次 xiaoˋ le˙ yiˋ tian¯ yiˇ laiˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Smiled for the first time all day

笑了出來 xiaoˋ le˙ chu¯ laiˊ

Laughed out loud, Laughed

笑著 xiaoˋ zhe˙

Laughingly, Smilingly

笑著說 xiaoˋ zhe˙ shuo¯

Said with a smile, Said with a laugh, Laughingly said

要的 yaoˋ de˙

Wanted, Ordered

要的人不多 yaoˋ de˙ renˊ buˋ duo¯

Didn't need too many people, Wanted a small number of people

要麼 yaoˋ me˙

Either or, Or


人-小 : > : > [小]-小個 : > [小]-小個子 >

丿-亻 : > : > [個]-個子 : > [個]-小個子 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [子]-個子 : > [子]-小個子 >

小個子 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 子

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