
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 滿


Little Creatures Plenish Or Grain Fills, May 21 to Jun 6, (Cats: Time-Date-Zh-Solar-Term next)

xiaoˇ manˇ

滿 manˇ
Full, Fill Up, Fulfilled, Completely, Entirely, Perfectly, Satisfied, Expired, Manchurian, Manchu, Proud, Haughty

滿 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 小滿 (yao-an)

Grouped by first phone

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

小丹尼 xiaoˇ dan¯ niˊ

Young Danny, Little Danny

小販 xiaoˇ fanˋ

Hawker, Peddler, Vendor

小寒 xiaoˇ hanˊ

Little Or Slightly Cold, Jan 6 to Jan 20

小看 xiaoˇ kanˋ


小看別人 xiaoˇ kanˋ bieˊ renˊ

Look down on others, Have a low opinion of others

小籃子 xiaoˇ lanˊ zi˙

Small basket, Little basket, Little baskets

小滿 xiaoˇ manˇ

Little Creatures Plenish Or Grain Fills, May 21 to Jun 6

小男孩 xiaoˇ nanˊ haiˊ

Little boy

消散 xiao¯ sanˋ

Dissipate, Dissipated

小三角形 xiaoˇ san¯ jiaoˇ xingˊ

Small triangle

小山 xiaoˇ shan¯

Small mountain

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

雕板 diao¯ banˇ


刁難 diao¯ nanˊ

Make things difficult

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

攪拌 jiaoˇ banˋ

Stir, Mix, Blend

攪拌器 jiaoˇ banˋ qiˋ


叫板 jiaoˋ banˇ


叫喊 jiaoˋ hanˇ

Shout, Shout out, Yell, scream, Call loudly

較難 jiaoˋ nanˊ

More difficult, Harder

絞盤 jiaoˇ panˊ

Capstan, Windlass

交談 jiao¯ tanˊ

Converse, Talk, Chat, Discuss

交談了 jiao¯ tanˊ le˙

Discuss, Discussed

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

鳥瞰 niaoˇ kanˋ

Bird's eye view

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

飄散 piao¯ sanˇ

Disperse, Drift about, Blow about

xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

喬韓森 qiaoˊ hanˊ sen¯


喬韓森的 qiaoˊ hanˊ sen¯ de˙


xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

跳板 tiaoˋ banˇ

Gangway, Diving board, Springboard, Stepping stone, Staging area, Jump-off point

調侃 tiaoˊ kanˇ


跳傘 tiaoˋ sanˇ

Parachute jump, Skydive

挑戰 tiao¯ zhanˋ


挑戰性 tiao¯ zhanˋ xingˋ


挑戰者 tiaoˇ zhanˋ zheˇ


xiao, diao, jiao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, yao

要犯的罪 yaoˋ fanˋ de˙ zuiˋ

A crime one is thinking about commiting

腰幹 yao¯ ganˋ

Waist, Lower trunk

遙感 yaoˊ ganˇ

Remote sensing

遙感儀器 yaoˊ ganˇ yiˊ qiˋ

Remote sensor, Remote sensing instrument

遙感技術 yaoˊ ganˇ jiˋ shuˋ

Remote sensing method or technique

搖籃 yaoˊ lanˊ

Cradle, Crib

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

小滿 xiaoˇ manˇ

Little Creatures Plenish Or Grain Fills, May 21 to Jun 6

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

刁難 diao¯ nanˊ

Make things difficult

交談 jiao¯ tanˊ

Converse, Talk, Chat, Discuss

交談了 jiao¯ tanˊ le˙

Discuss, Discussed

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

雕板 diao¯ banˇ


飄散 piao¯ sanˇ

Disperse, Drift about, Blow about

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

挑戰 tiao¯ zhanˋ


挑戰性 tiao¯ zhanˋ xingˋ


消散 xiao¯ sanˋ

Dissipate, Dissipated

腰幹 yao¯ ganˋ

Waist, Lower trunk

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

喬韓森 qiaoˊ hanˊ sen¯


喬韓森的 qiaoˊ hanˊ sen¯ de˙


搖籃 yaoˊ lanˊ

Cradle, Crib

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

調侃 tiaoˊ kanˇ


遙感 yaoˊ ganˇ

Remote sensing

遙感儀器 yaoˊ ganˇ yiˊ qiˋ

Remote sensor, Remote sensing instrument

遙感技術 yaoˊ ganˇ jiˋ shuˋ

Remote sensing method or technique

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

小丹尼 xiaoˇ dan¯ niˊ

Young Danny, Little Danny

小三角形 xiaoˇ san¯ jiaoˇ xingˊ

Small triangle

小山 xiaoˇ shan¯

Small mountain

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

絞盤 jiaoˇ panˊ

Capstan, Windlass

小寒 xiaoˇ hanˊ

Little Or Slightly Cold, Jan 6 to Jan 20

小籃子 xiaoˇ lanˊ zi˙

Small basket, Little basket, Little baskets

小男孩 xiaoˇ nanˊ haiˊ

Little boy

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

攪拌 jiaoˇ banˋ

Stir, Mix, Blend

攪拌器 jiaoˇ banˋ qiˋ


鳥瞰 niaoˇ kanˋ

Bird's eye view

挑戰者 tiaoˇ zhanˋ zheˇ


小販 xiaoˇ fanˋ

Hawker, Peddler, Vendor

小看 xiaoˇ kanˋ


小看別人 xiaoˇ kanˋ bieˊ renˊ

Look down on others, Have a low opinion of others

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

較難 jiaoˋ nanˊ

More difficult, Harder

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

叫板 jiaoˋ banˇ


叫喊 jiaoˋ hanˇ

Shout, Shout out, Yell, scream, Call loudly

跳板 tiaoˋ banˇ

Gangway, Diving board, Springboard, Stepping stone, Staging area, Jump-off point

跳傘 tiaoˋ sanˇ

Parachute jump, Skydive

33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

要犯的罪 yaoˋ fanˋ de˙ zuiˋ

A crime one is thinking about commiting


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