Index for words including 少

shaoˇ, shaoˋ

Few, Little, Rare, Scarce, Less, Lack

Word Links for words containing 少 (sorted via character pairs)

少 shaoˇ, shaoˋ
Few, Little, Rare, Scarce, Less, Lack

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


少尉 Second lieutenant


少跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights


不論遇到少困 Regardless of the problems encountered, Despite the difficulties


少量 Small amount, Small quantity

少量液體 Small amounts of liquid

少量物質 Small amount of substance


少開玩笑了 Joking, Can't be serious, You're joking


少見 Rare


少女 Teenage girl, Maiden


少了 Without

少了一個成分 Missing an ingredient

其實是少了兩個 It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking


少兒 Children


少年 Youth

少年 Teens, Teenagers


少之又少 Few and far between


少部 A few, A small amount, A small number of


少言 Of few words

少言 Of few words


少許 Dash, Pinch, Sprinkle, Few

少許 Pinch of salt


少混 Don't be an asshole!


多退少補 Refund for overpayment or supplemental payment for underpayment, Make up for any over or underpayment


少爺 Young lord, Little master


少一 A bit less than, A little less than

只比兩公尺少一 Just under two meters, Just a bit less than two meters


少不 Indispensable, Inevitable, Inevitably, No doubt


少數 Fraction, Small percentage, Few

少數幾個 A few, A handful

少數幾個工程師 A few engineers, A handful of engineers


少齡 Young

少齡淑女 Young lady


少林 Shaolin Temple


少來 Cut it out!, Stop it!


少校 Major

升他為少校 Promote him to major, Promote him to the rank of major


少有 Rare


最少 The least, The minimum

最少 At least


量少 Small serving, Quantity is small


絕少 Rarely, Seldom, Very few

絕少談起 Rarely talked about, Rarely mentioned


變少 Reduces, Becomes smaller, Lessens


少之又少 Few and far between


多少 How much?, How many?, How long?, More or less, Somewhat

多少 How much larger?, How much bigger?

多少 How many?, How many are there?

多少 Not much, Not a lot

沒剩多少 Doesn't have much more

他查明了多少 How much did he discover?, How much did he find out?

他知道了多少 How much does he know?

你還記得多少 How much do you remember

她查明了多少 How much did she discover?, How much did she find out?

她知道了多少 How much does she know?

二加二等於多少 How much is two plus two?, What is two plus two?

不比海平面高多少 Not much higher than sea level

八的立方根是多少 What is the cubed root of eight?

比郵票大不了多少 Not much bigger than a postage stamp, Not much bigger than postage stamps

正確答案應該是多少 The correct answer should be how much?

多少 How many points

多少 How many times

多少 How many times

多少 How much money

多少 More or less

多少 How much money there is

他看過多少 How many times he'd seen

賺不了多少 Don't earn much money, Don't earn much

則面積會增加多少 How much will the area increase by?

這一塊的面積是多少 What is the area of this piece?

多少公克 How many grams?

質量為多少公克 What is the mass in grams?

多少天來 Many days, On many days

多少年後 After a few years, As the years went by

多少面積 How much area, How much acreage

多少算是吧 More or less, Kind of

要花多少時間 How long will it take, How much time will it take, How much time will need to be spent

含有多少莫耳氧原子 Contains how many moles of oxygen atoms

沒為他帶來多少麻煩 Didn't cause him too much bother

多少莫耳 How many moles?, How many mols?

多少莫耳 Has how many moles?, How many moles?

含有多少莫耳 How many moles?

相當於多少莫耳 Is equivalent to how many moles?

總數有多少莫耳 Chemistry: How many moles in total:


缺少 Lack, Short of, Deficient

那另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient

缺少的成分 Missing ingredient

那另一個缺少的成分 The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient


稀少 Scarce


很少 Very few, Rarely, Seldom, Infrequently

通常錢很少 Usually didn't pay well

很少 Very few people, Few people

很少 Very seldom, Very seldom go

很少 Very few

只有很少 Only a few

很少見到 Vary rarely seen

很少有人來 Very few people come over, Don't have many people over

很少被人食用 Rarely eaten by people, Rarely eaten

很少拿著照相機 Seldom takes a camera along

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat


算少 A lot, Not insubstantial

其實也不算少 Was actually quite a lot


或多或少 More or less, To varying degrees


減少 Reduce

減少 To reduce

慢慢減少 Decrease, Slowly decrease

減少 Reduced


多多少少 More or less


常少 Very little


甚少 Very few, Very little

獲利甚少 Profit very little


至少 At least

至少 At least until

至少好一陣子 At least for a while, For a while at least

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me

至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times

至少不跟 At least not with, Certainly not with

至少還不行 At least not yet

至少知道 At least I know

至少他們會知道 At least they would know

至少寫了二十次 Written at least 20 times

看起來至少七十歲 Looked to be at least seventy, Looked at least seventy years old


不少 Many

行頭一件不少 To have enough outfits, Sufficient wardrobe

不少 Many people, A lot of people

不少 A lot of money

花了不少時間 Spent a lot of time

在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally


必不可少 Essential


要少 Even less


老少 Old and young, Both old and young, Both the old and young


極少 Minimal

極少 Very few

附近極少 Nearby there was very little

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