Index for words including 巫


Witch, Sorcerer, Witch Doctor, Shaman

Word Links for words containing 巫 (sorted via character pairs)

巫 wu¯
Witch, Sorcerer, Witch Doctor, Shaman

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


巫師 Sorcerer, Sorcerers, Wizard, Wizards

刀劍巫師 Sword and sorcery, Swords and sorcerers

死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer of death magic

修練死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer who practiced death magic

追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him

有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her

巫師引到安靜偏僻的角落 Led the sorcerer to a quiet and remote location


巫婆 Witch

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