Index for words including 幢

chuangˊ, zhuangˋ

Tent, Carriage Canopy, Flags, Pennants, Streamers, Flickering, Waving, MW For Houses And Buildings

Word Links for words containing 幢 (sorted via character pairs)

幢 chuangˊ, zhuangˋ
Tent, Carriage Canopy, Flags, Pennants, Streamers, Flickering, Waving, MW For Houses And Buildings

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


幢幢 Flickering, Waving in the wind, Flapping in the wind


一幢 A (building or house )

一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house

山上的一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house on a hill

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