Index for words including 幾

jiˇ, ji¯

A Few, AFew, Several, Some, Which, When, How Many, How Much, (Ji1), Small, Minute, Tiny, Almost, Nearly, Omen, Portent

Word Links for words containing 幾 (sorted via character pairs)

幾 jiˇ, ji¯
A Few, AFew, Several, Some, Which, When, How Many, How Much, (Ji1), Small, Minute, Tiny, Almost, Nearly, Omen, Portent

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


幾號 Which room number do you live in?, What's your room number?


幾吋 A few inches

推動幾吋 Move a few inches, Shift a few inches

在你鼻子前方幾吋 A few inches in front of your nose

在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose


兜了幾圈 Circled around a few times


幾顆 Some

幾顆鈕釦 Some buttons

幾顆他媽的阿斯匹靈 Some fucking aspirin


注意幾點 Pay attention to a few points, A few points to note


幾內 Guinea

赤道幾內 Equatorial Guinea

巴布亞新幾內 Papua New Guinea

幾內亞比索 Guinea-Bissau


幾幾 Almost, Nearly


幾納 Quinine


幾級 What level, At what level


幾維 Kiwi


幾張 Few sheets of

幾張 Some papers, A few pieces of paper

攤開幾張 Spread out some papers, Spread out a few pieces of paper

幾張錫箔紙 Some tin foil, A few sheets of tin foil

我用幾張錫箔紙和口香糖就能辦到的 All I needed to do it was some tin foil and chewing gum


說了幾句 Spoke a few sentences, Spoke a few words

咕嚕說了幾句 Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out

用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue


幾年 A few years

每隔幾年 Every few years

幾年 A few years ago, A few years previously


幾罐 How many cans, How many tins

幾罐油漆 How many cans of paint?, How many tins of paint?


幾條街外 Several blocks away, Several streets away


幾隻 A few, Some

幾隻小狗 These puppies

幾隻恐龍寶寶 A few baby dinosaurs


幾件 A few things


幾位 A few

他和幾位童子軍同伴 He and several members of his Boy Scout troop


幾何 Geometry, Geometric

幾何交點 Geometric intersection


幾個 Some, A few, Several

幾個 By several, By a few

少數幾個 A few, A handful

幾個 A few people, Several people

幾個 A few months

一連幾個 For a few months

其他幾個 A few other people, Several other people, Several others

幾個人影 A few figures, A few silhouettes, A handful of shadows

幾個星期的 Several weeks worth of

幾個小時內 Within a few hours

提了幾個問題 Mentioned a few problems, Brought up a few questions

幾個小朋友 By several children, By a few kids

少數幾個工程師 A few engineers, A handful of engineers

幾個小朋友相伴 Accompanied by several children, Along with several children

幾個鬆弛肩膀的動作 A few exercises to relax the shoulder, A few shoulder loosening exercises

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 Just a few islands in fantastic locations really

幾個小孩 A few children, A couple of little kids

幾個小時 A few hours, Many hours

愉快地花幾個小時 Happily spend a few hours

他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night

她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night

幾個星期 A few weeks

可能要花上幾個星期 May take a few weeks

打了幾個耳光 Slapped around

被喝醉的男友打了幾個耳光 Slapped around by a drunken boyfriend

那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago

只是幾個位置奇佳的島 Just a few fantastically located islands, Just a few islands in fantastic locations


幾千 Thousands, A few thousand

幾千 Thousands of years

幾千年前 A few thousand years before, A few thousand years earlier


幾秒 A few seconds

幾秒 A few seconds later, After a few seconds

幾秒鐘後 After a few seconds, A few seconds later

幾秒後它又雪白如昔 After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before


幾種 A few species of, Several kinds of, Different types of, Several models of


幾乎 Almost, Nearly, Hardly, Practically

幾乎 Almost, Nearly

幾乎 Almost

幾乎 Most of, Most, Almost all of, Almost all

他們的小孩幾乎 Almost all of their children, Most of their children

幾乎垂直 Almost vertical

幾乎無限 Nearly infinite

幾乎算是 Could be thought of as

幾乎想到了 Almost knew, Almost realized

幾乎看不見 Barely visible, Nearly invisible

幾乎遺忘了 Almost forgotten

幾乎消失了 Was almost gone, Had almost disappeared

幾乎不記得了 Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about

幾乎一百八十度 Nearly 180 degrees

幾乎勢必會去想 Would almost certainly have to wonder

幾乎一年到頭都如此 It was like this nearly the whole year round

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time

觀點幾乎所有人暗自都有 A point of view implicitly shared by almost everybody

幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to

有著幾乎一百八十度的景觀 With an almost 180 degree view

幾乎沒有 Few, Very little

幾乎沒變 Had barely changed

幾乎所有人 Almost everyone

幾乎總是有用 Almost always helps


幾微 Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign


幾率 Probability


幾於 Almost, Nearly


幾諫 Gently remonstrate with one's parents


幾家旅館 A few hotels


幾兆 Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign


幾次 A few times

摞了幾次 Even up a stack (of papers) several times

發生過幾次 Had occurred a few times

重複練習幾次 Repeat a few times, Repeating a few times, Repeated a few times

重複這個動作幾次 Repeat this movement a few times

幾次 After a few times

重複練習幾次 After repeating a few times

重複這個動作幾次 After repeating this movement a few times

一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year


縫上幾針 Stitches (to fix a wound)


幾公 Kilometers, Many kilometers

幾公 A few millimeters

寬是幾公 How many meters wide

直徑幾公 A few millimeteres in diameter, Diamerter of a few millimeters

穿越了幾公 Travelled a few kilometers, Travelled for several kilometers

幾公克的 Several grams of, A few grams of

吹到幾公里外去了 Blown kilometers away

穿越了幾公里的路程 Travelled a few kilometers, Travelled for several kilometers


幾分 A bit, A little bit, Somewhat, What was the score, What did you score, How many points

幾分惱怒 A little angry

幾分 A few pennies

幾分 A few minutes

沒過幾分 Within minutes, Within a short time

幾分鐘前 A few minutes ago

幾分鐘後 A few minutes later, After a few minutes

幾分鐘長 A few minutes long

幾分鐘前 A few minutes ago


幾小時後 A few hours later

後來幾小 For a few hours afterwards, For the next few hours

甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions


幾類 Many types, More types


幾英 A few inches, A couple of inches

抬高幾英 Lift a couple of inches


幾天 A few days

待個幾天 Stay a few days

過去幾天 Spent several days, Spent a few days

幾天 A few days ago

幾天 A few days later

幾天 Within a few days

我需要請幾天 I need a few days off, I need to request some time off

幾天晚上 A few nights ago

幾天的時間 Spend only a few days

幾天甚至數星期後 Days or weeks later


幾百 Hundreds, A few hundred

幾百 A few hundred years

幾百 Few million

幾百 Few hundred miles

過了幾百 After a few hundred years

幾百公尺 A few hundred meters

幾百公尺外 A few hundred meters away

停泊在幾百公尺外 Moored a few hundred meters away


幾殆 In great danger, In peril


幾步 A few steps

退了幾步 Take a few steps back, Takes a few steps back, Taking a few steps back, Took a few steps back


幾歲 How old

幾歲 How old are you

幾歲 How old are you?, What age are you?

幾歲 How old are you?, What age are you?


幾十 Dozens

幾十 Billions

幾十 A few decades

幾十 Few hundred thousand, Several hundred thousand

幾十 Worth billions

過去幾十 Past few decades

幾十年來 For decades

在過去幾十年內 Within the past few decades

幾十萬畝 Few hundred thousand acres

幾十公尺下 Dozens of meters below, Several dozen meters below

幾十億的利益 Worth billions in profit, Worth billions

在過去幾十年內發展出來 Been developed within the last few decades


幾塊 A few pieces of, A few pieces

幾塊真的布 Pieces of real cloth, A few pieces of real cloth

幾塊小點的石塊 Several smaller stones


幾本相簿 These few albums


幾枚銅便士 A few copper pennies, A few copper pennies


幾頓 In danger, In peril


幾希 Small degree of difference, Not much


幾世 Previous centuries, Centuries ago

他們前幾世紀的祖宗 Their ancestors from previous centuries


幾輛 A few cars

停了幾輛 Parked cars


好幾 Many, Lots

好幾 More than a few, Many, A lot of

好幾 Many days

好幾 Several cases

好幾 Many years

好幾 Many times, So many times

好幾 Several pages

好幾 A good few years

還可以活個好幾 Still good for another few years, Good to go for a few more years

好幾小時 Many hours

好幾百次 Several hundred times

好幾十年前 Several decades before, Several decades earlier

好幾宗殺人 Several murders

好幾條車道 Several lanes

好幾部攝影機 Several cameras, Many cameras, Cameras

好幾個星期練習 Spent many weeks training or practicing

好幾宗殺人未遂 Several attempted murders

好幾家巨型公司 Several large companies

好幾頁乳白紙張 Several cream-colored pages

一長串好幾個名字 A long list of names

好幾宗殺人未遂案 Various counts of attempted murder

得花上好幾個星期 It would take weeks

好幾立方公里的水 Several cubic kilometers of water in all

我實際上扮演好幾個角色 I actually play several roles all at once

好幾家巨型公司的策略聯盟 A strategic alliance of several giant corporations

引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing

好幾家餐廳 A few restaurants

好幾家餐廳 Has a few restaurants, There are several restaurants

好幾小時前 Many hours previously, Many hours ago

還需要好幾個小時呢 It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet


寥寥無幾 Very few


庶幾 Capable and virtuous, Almost, Nearly, Maybe


頭幾 First few

頭幾 First few trips, First few excursions

頭幾趟艙外行動 First few EVA's, First few Extra Vehicular Excursions


一蹴而幾 To succeed after a single attempt


十幾 A dozen, A dozen or so

十幾 A dozen, More than a dozen

十幾 A dozen or so

十幾 A dozen times

看了十幾 Looked at a dozen times, Watched a dozen times

過程反覆十幾 Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times

他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times

十幾家汽車旅館 A dozen motels


有幾 How many(?)

有幾 Had a few, Have a few

有幾 A few drops

有幾 How many kinds, How many different

只怕沒有幾 There aren't very many, There were very few

總是會有幾 There will be times, There will be times when

有幾秒鐘 For a few seconds

有幾個想法 Had a few ideas, Have a few ideas

有幾滴海水 A few drops of seawater

有幾道溫暖的陽 A few rays of warm sunlight

一定有幾百公里長 Must have been a hundred kilometers long

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