
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 曲


Prologue, Overture, Prelude

xuˋ qu¯

曲 qu¯, quˇ
Bend, Flex, Curve, Bent, Twisted, Curved, Crooked, Bias, Biased, Little Known, Obscure, Mistaken, Unjust, Unjustifiable, Wrong, (Qu3), Verse, Tune, Song, Play, Drama

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 序曲 (yu-yu)

Grouped by first phone

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

序曲 xuˋ qu¯

Prologue, Overture, Prelude

吁吁 xu¯ xu¯

Sound of panting

徐徐 xuˊ xuˊ


許許多多 xuˇ xuˇ duo¯ duo¯

Many, Lots of

絮絮叨叨 xuˋ xuˋ dao¯ dao¯

Chatty, Talkative

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

聚居 juˋ ju¯

Live together

聚居雜樓 juˋ ju¯ zaˊ louˊ


句句都 juˋ juˋ dou¯

Each (sentence, Poem), Every, All

具區隔 juˋ qu¯ geˊ

Separate, Partition

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

縷縷 luuˇ luuˇ

Endless, Continuous

律呂 luuˋ luuˇ

Odd and even pitched pipes, A balanced or complete set

綠綠 luuˋ luuˋ


綠綠的 luuˋ luuˋ de˙


xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

女婿 nuuˇ xuˋ

Son in law

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

曲率 qu¯ luuˋ


曲曲折折 qu¯ qu¯ zheˊ zheˊ

Zigzagged, Twisted and turned

趨於 qu¯ yuˊ

Tend to

趨於平緩 qu¯ yuˊ pingˊ huanˇ

Tend to level, Tend to calm down

區域 qu¯ yuˋ

Region, Area

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

予取予求 yuˊ quˇ yuˊ qiuˊ

Get what they want

紆徐 yu¯ xuˊ

Walk slowly

紆餘 yu¯ yuˊ

Winding, Twisting

欲與她溝通 yuˋ yuˇ ta¯ gou¯ tong¯

Wants to communicate with her

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

聚居 juˋ ju¯

Live together

聚居雜樓 juˋ ju¯ zaˊ louˊ


具區隔 juˋ qu¯ geˊ

Separate, Partition

序曲 xuˋ qu¯

Prologue, Overture, Prelude

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

曲曲折折 qu¯ qu¯ zheˊ zheˊ

Zigzagged, Twisted and turned

吁吁 xu¯ xu¯

Sound of panting

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

趨於 qu¯ yuˊ

Tend to

趨於平緩 qu¯ yuˊ pingˊ huanˇ

Tend to level, Tend to calm down

紆徐 yu¯ xuˊ

Walk slowly

紆餘 yu¯ yuˊ

Winding, Twisting

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

曲率 qu¯ luuˋ


區域 qu¯ yuˋ

Region, Area

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

徐徐 xuˊ xuˊ


41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

予取予求 yuˊ quˇ yuˊ qiuˊ

Get what they want

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

縷縷 luuˇ luuˇ

Endless, Continuous

許許多多 xuˇ xuˇ duo¯ duo¯

Many, Lots of

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

女婿 nuuˇ xuˋ

Son in law

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

律呂 luuˋ luuˇ

Odd and even pitched pipes, A balanced or complete set

欲與她溝通 yuˋ yuˇ ta¯ gou¯ tong¯

Wants to communicate with her

41, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 43, 44

句句都 juˋ juˋ dou¯

Each (sentence, Poem), Every, All

綠綠 luuˋ luuˋ


綠綠的 luuˋ luuˋ de˙


絮絮叨叨 xuˋ xuˋ dao¯ dao¯

Chatty, Talkative


丶-广 : > : > [序]-序曲 : > [序]-序曲 >

人-曲 : > : > [曲]-序曲 : > [曲]-序曲 >

序曲 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 曲

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