
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 存


Inventory, In stock

kuˋ cunˊ

存 cunˊ
Store, Deposit, Preserve, Keep, Live, Exist, Survive

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 庫存 (wu-wen)

Grouped by first phone

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

庫存 kuˋ cunˊ

Inventory, In stock

庫存品 kuˋ cunˊ pinˇ


庫存商品 kuˋ cunˊ shang¯ pinˇ

Stock, Finished goods, Inventory, Product that is ready for delivery

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

不存在了 buˋ cunˊ zaiˋ le˙

Is no more

不論 buˊ lunˋ

Regardless, No matter, Despite

不論是 buˊ lunˋ shiˋ

Whether it is, Whether

不論遇到少困難 buˊ lunˋ yuˋ daoˋ shaoˇ kunˋ nanˊ

Regardless of the problems encountered, Despite the difficulties

不論錯得多離譜 buˊ lunˋ cuoˋ deˊ duo¯ liˊ puˇ

No matter how wrong

布倫姆 buˋ lunˊ muˇ


不順手 buˊ shunˋ shouˇ

Not smooth, Not handy

不穩 buˋ wenˇ

Unstable, Unsteady, Unbalanced

不穩定 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ

Unstable, Easily changeable, Labile

不穩定的 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ de˙

Unstable, Easily changeable, Liable to change, Labile, Easily altered

不穩定的新領域 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ de˙ xin¯ lingˇ yuˋ

Ever shifting boundary, Variable boundary, Variable border

不准 buˋ zhunˇ

Not fit, Not suitable

不尊重 buˋ zun¯ zhongˋ


不尊重他們 buˋ zun¯ zhongˋ ta¯ men˙

Disrespect them

不遵守 buˋ zun¯ shouˇ

Don't follow, Don't obey, Don't abide by

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

儲存 chuˇ cunˊ

Storage, Stored, Reserved (supplies)

儲存槽 chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Storage tank, Storage tanks

儲存槽旁是另一個 chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ pangˊ shiˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙

Next to the storage tank is another

儲存空間 chuˇ cunˊ kong¯ jian¯

Storage space

儲存裝置 chuˇ cunˊ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Hard drive

儲存起來 chuˇ cunˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Saving, Storing

出問題 chu¯ wenˋ tiˊ

Have problems, Develop problems

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

訃聞 fuˋ wenˊ


ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

古文字 guˇ wenˊ ziˋ

Ancient writing, Ancient character(s), Ancient style of writing

顧問 guˋ wenˋ

Consultant, Consultants, Advisor, Advisors

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

盧綸 luˊ lunˊ

Lu Lun, a poet of the middle Tang dynasty

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

母文化 muˇ wenˊ huaˋ

Native culture, Culture one was raised with

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

樹順河流而下 shuˋ shunˋ heˊ liuˊ erˊ xiaˋ

The tree floated downstream, The tree floated down the course of the river

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

圖紋 tuˊ wenˊ


ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

無論如何 wuˊ lunˊ ruˊ heˊ

In any case, Anyway, No matter what

無論 wuˊ lunˋ

No matter, No matter what

無論人或老鼠 wuˊ lunˋ renˊ huoˋ laoˇ shuˇ

Whether mice or men, No matter if it's mice or men

無論付出什麼代價 wuˊ lunˋ fuˋ chu¯ sheˊ me˙ daiˋ jiaˋ

No matter what the cost

無論是什麼 wuˊ lunˋ shiˋ sheˊ me˙

Whatever it is

ku, bu, chu, fu, gu, lu, mu, shu, tu, wu, zhu

貯存 zhuˋ cunˊ


貯存到 zhuˋ cunˊ daoˋ


貯存庫 zhuˋ cunˊ kuˋ

Reservoir, Reservoirs, Repository

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

不存在了 buˋ cunˊ zaiˋ le˙

Is no more

布倫姆 buˋ lunˊ muˇ


訃聞 fuˋ wenˊ


庫存 kuˋ cunˊ

Inventory, In stock

庫存品 kuˋ cunˊ pinˇ


庫存商品 kuˋ cunˊ shang¯ pinˇ

Stock, Finished goods, Inventory, Product that is ready for delivery

貯存 zhuˋ cunˊ


貯存到 zhuˋ cunˊ daoˋ


貯存庫 zhuˋ cunˊ kuˋ

Reservoir, Reservoirs, Repository

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

出問題 chu¯ wenˋ tiˊ

Have problems, Develop problems

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

盧綸 luˊ lunˊ

Lu Lun, a poet of the middle Tang dynasty

圖紋 tuˊ wenˊ


無論如何 wuˊ lunˊ ruˊ heˊ

In any case, Anyway, No matter what

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

不論 buˊ lunˋ

Regardless, No matter, Despite

不論是 buˊ lunˋ shiˋ

Whether it is, Whether

不論遇到少困難 buˊ lunˋ yuˋ daoˋ shaoˇ kunˋ nanˊ

Regardless of the problems encountered, Despite the difficulties

不論錯得多離譜 buˊ lunˋ cuoˋ deˊ duo¯ liˊ puˇ

No matter how wrong

不順手 buˊ shunˋ shouˇ

Not smooth, Not handy

無論 wuˊ lunˋ

No matter, No matter what

無論人或老鼠 wuˊ lunˋ renˊ huoˋ laoˇ shuˇ

Whether mice or men, No matter if it's mice or men

無論付出什麼代價 wuˊ lunˋ fuˋ chu¯ sheˊ me˙ daiˋ jiaˋ

No matter what the cost

無論是什麼 wuˊ lunˋ shiˋ sheˊ me˙

Whatever it is

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

儲存 chuˇ cunˊ

Storage, Stored, Reserved (supplies)

儲存槽 chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Storage tank, Storage tanks

儲存槽旁是另一個 chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ pangˊ shiˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙

Next to the storage tank is another

儲存空間 chuˇ cunˊ kong¯ jian¯

Storage space

儲存裝置 chuˇ cunˊ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Hard drive

儲存起來 chuˇ cunˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Saving, Storing

古文字 guˇ wenˊ ziˋ

Ancient writing, Ancient character(s), Ancient style of writing

母文化 muˇ wenˊ huaˋ

Native culture, Culture one was raised with

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

不尊重 buˋ zun¯ zhongˋ


不尊重他們 buˋ zun¯ zhongˋ ta¯ men˙

Disrespect them

不遵守 buˋ zun¯ shouˇ

Don't follow, Don't obey, Don't abide by

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

不穩 buˋ wenˇ

Unstable, Unsteady, Unbalanced

不穩定 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ

Unstable, Easily changeable, Labile

不穩定的 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ de˙

Unstable, Easily changeable, Liable to change, Labile, Easily altered

不穩定的新領域 buˋ wenˇ dingˋ de˙ xin¯ lingˇ yuˋ

Ever shifting boundary, Variable boundary, Variable border

不准 buˋ zhunˇ

Not fit, Not suitable

42, 14, 22, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44

顧問 guˋ wenˋ

Consultant, Consultants, Advisor, Advisors

樹順河流而下 shuˋ shunˋ heˊ liuˊ erˊ xiaˋ

The tree floated downstream, The tree floated down the course of the river


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庫存 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 存

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