
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 權


Brute force, Strength, Might

qiangˊ quanˊ

權 quanˊ
Power, Authority, Right, Influence, Jurisdiction, Assess, Weigh, Temporarily, Time Being, Expedient

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 強權 (yang-yuan)

Grouped by first phone

qiang, liang, xiang, yang

強權 qiangˊ quanˊ

Brute force, Strength, Might

強權即公理 qiangˊ quanˊ jiˊ gong¯ liˇ

Might is right

qiang, liang, xiang, yang

兩全其美 liangˇ quanˊ qiˊ meiˇ

Best of both worlds, Both parties benefit

qiang, liang, xiang, yang

像全新事件般 xiangˋ quanˊ xin¯ shiˋ jianˋ ban¯

Afresh, As if completely new

qiang, liang, xiang, yang

氧原子 yangˇ yuanˊ ziˇ

Oxygen atom

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 32, 42

強權 qiangˊ quanˊ

Brute force, Strength, Might

強權即公理 qiangˊ quanˊ jiˊ gong¯ liˇ

Might is right

22, 32, 42

兩全其美 liangˇ quanˊ qiˊ meiˇ

Best of both worlds, Both parties benefit

氧原子 yangˇ yuanˊ ziˇ

Oxygen atom

22, 32, 42

像全新事件般 xiangˋ quanˊ xin¯ shiˋ jianˋ ban¯

Afresh, As if completely new


𠃌-弓 : > : > [強]-強權 : > [強]-強權 >

十-木 : > : > [權]-強權 : > [權]-強權 >

強權 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 權

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