Word Links for words containing 彎 (sorted via character pairs)
前彎式 Forward Bend, Paschimottanasana
壓掌前彎式 Hands Beneath Feet Standing Forward Bend, Padahastasana
握腳趾彎式 Holding Big Toes Standing Forward Bend, Padangusthasana
站立前彎式 Standing Forward Bend, Uttanasana
半蓮花前彎式 Half Lotus Forward Bend Pose, Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
大彎道 Big bend, Wide bend
沿著大彎道轉向南方 Followed the big bend to the south, Following the big bend, turned south
彎曲 Curve, Curves, Curved, Bend, Bends, Bent
不斷彎曲 Always bending, Always turning, Ever turning
之間彎曲 Curved between, Wound between, Winded between
向前彎曲 Bend forwards, Bends forwards, Bending forwards, Bent forwards
向右彎曲 Bend to the right, Bending to the right, Bent to the right
向後彎曲 Bend backwards, Bends backwards, Bending backwards, Bent backwards
手肘彎曲 Bend elbows
臀部向前彎曲 Bend forward at the hips, Bends forwards at the hips, Bending forward at the hips, Bent forwards at the hips
把脊椎向另一邊彎曲 Bend the spine towards the other side
手肘彎曲使 Bend elbows so that
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