Index for words including 彼


That, Those, There

Word Links for words containing 彼 (sorted via character pairs)

彼 biˇ
That, Those, There

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


此起彼伏 One after another


彼得 Pete, Peter

彼得 Peter Rabbit


此起彼落 Rose and fell, Faded in and out, Came and went


彼薄 To favor one over another, To be partial


彼處 There

恰巧來到彼處 Happened to arrive there, Happened to go there, Happened to drop in


彼此 Each other, You and me, That and this

彼此 With each other

不分彼此 Exchange services or goods between friends without asking for payment

獵殺彼此 Hunting each other

彼此 Each other's

彼此對吼 Shout at each other

彼此重疊 Overlap each other

彼此說話 To talk with each other

彼此對吼一陣 Shout at each other for awhile

沒把彼此殺死 Didn't kill each other

他們透過彼此的眼睛向外看 They looked out through each other's eyes, They saw through each other's eyes


厚此薄彼 Favor one over another

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