
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 後


Blown backwards

wangˇ houˋ chui¯ le˙

後 houˋ
After, Then, Afterwards, Back, Behind, Follow, Rear Guard, Reinforcement, Junior, Queen, Empress, Descendant, Furthermore

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Phone , Tone


往後 wangˇ houˋ

吹了 chui¯ liaoˇ

Words that rhyme with 往後吹了 (wang-ou)

Grouped by first phone

wang, chuang, guang, huang, shuang

王后 wangˊ houˋ


往後 wangˇ houˋ

Towards the rear, Rearwards, Backwards, Go backwards

往後伸 wangˇ houˋ shen¯

Reach back, Reaches back, Reaching back, Reached back

往後吹了 wangˇ houˋ chui¯ le˙

Blown backwards

往後拉起 wangˇ houˋ la¯ qiˇ

Pulled back, Peeled back

往後溜冰 wangˇ houˋ liu¯ bing¯

Skate backwards

往後縮 wangˇ houˋ suo¯

Shrank back, Shrank away from

往後舉 wangˇ houˋ juˇ

Lift back, Reach back

往後跳了 wangˇ houˋ tiaoˋ le˙

Jumped back

往後退 wangˇ houˋ tuiˋ

Stepped back, Moved back

wang, chuang, guang, huang, shuang

窗口 chuang¯ kouˇ


床頭 chuangˊ touˊ

Bedside, Head of a bed

床頭人 chuangˊ touˊ renˊ

One's wife

床頭千萬貫 chuangˊ touˊ qian¯ wanˋ guanˋ

Very wealthy

床頭燈 chuangˊ touˊ deng¯

Bedside lamp

床頭金盡 chuangˊ touˊ jin¯ jinˋ

Impoverished from frequent visits with women of ill repute

牀頭 chuangˊ touˊ

Bedside, Head of a bed

牀頭人 chuangˊ touˊ renˊ

One's wife

牀頭千萬貫 chuangˊ touˊ qian¯ wanˋ guanˋ

Very wealthy

牀頭燈 chuangˊ touˊ deng¯

Bedside lamp

牀頭金盡 chuangˊ touˊ jin¯ jinˋ

Impoverished from frequent visits with women of ill repute

wang, chuang, guang, huang, shuang

廣口瓶 guangˇ kouˇ pingˊ

Wide mouth bottle

廣受尊敬 guangˇ shouˋ zun¯ jingˋ

Widely respected

廣州 guangˇ zhou¯


wang, chuang, guang, huang, shuang

黃狗 huangˊ gouˇ

Yellow dog

黃狗的家 huangˊ gouˇ de˙ jia¯

Yellow dog's house

皇后 huangˊ houˋ


wang, chuang, guang, huang, shuang

雙手 shuang¯ shouˇ

Both hands, Hands

雙手交叉 shuang¯ shouˇ jiao¯ cha¯

Hands clasped, Fingers interlaced

雙手交握 shuang¯ shouˇ jiao¯ woˋ

Hands clasped

雙手掩臉 shuang¯ shouˇ yanˇ lianˇ

Covering their face with their hands, Hands over their face

雙手臂 shuang¯ shouˇ biˋ

Arms, Both arms

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

廣受尊敬 guangˇ shouˋ zun¯ jingˋ

Widely respected

往後 wangˇ houˋ

Towards the rear, Rearwards, Backwards, Go backwards

往後伸 wangˇ houˋ shen¯

Reach back, Reaches back, Reaching back, Reached back

往後吹了 wangˇ houˋ chui¯ le˙

Blown backwards

往後拉起 wangˇ houˋ la¯ qiˇ

Pulled back, Peeled back

往後溜冰 wangˇ houˋ liu¯ bing¯

Skate backwards

往後縮 wangˇ houˋ suo¯

Shrank back, Shrank away from

往後舉 wangˇ houˋ juˇ

Lift back, Reach back

往後跳了 wangˇ houˋ tiaoˋ le˙

Jumped back

往後退 wangˇ houˋ tuiˋ

Stepped back, Moved back

34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

窗口 chuang¯ kouˇ


雙手 shuang¯ shouˇ

Both hands, Hands

雙手交叉 shuang¯ shouˇ jiao¯ cha¯

Hands clasped, Fingers interlaced

雙手交握 shuang¯ shouˇ jiao¯ woˋ

Hands clasped

雙手掩臉 shuang¯ shouˇ yanˇ lianˇ

Covering their face with their hands, Hands over their face

雙手臂 shuang¯ shouˇ biˋ

Arms, Both arms

34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

床頭 chuangˊ touˊ

Bedside, Head of a bed

床頭人 chuangˊ touˊ renˊ

One's wife

床頭千萬貫 chuangˊ touˊ qian¯ wanˋ guanˋ

Very wealthy

床頭燈 chuangˊ touˊ deng¯

Bedside lamp

床頭金盡 chuangˊ touˊ jin¯ jinˋ

Impoverished from frequent visits with women of ill repute

牀頭 chuangˊ touˊ

Bedside, Head of a bed

牀頭人 chuangˊ touˊ renˊ

One's wife

牀頭千萬貫 chuangˊ touˊ qian¯ wanˋ guanˋ

Very wealthy

牀頭燈 chuangˊ touˊ deng¯

Bedside lamp

牀頭金盡 chuangˊ touˊ jin¯ jinˋ

Impoverished from frequent visits with women of ill repute

34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

黃狗 huangˊ gouˇ

Yellow dog

黃狗的家 huangˊ gouˇ de˙ jia¯

Yellow dog's house

34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

皇后 huangˊ houˋ


王后 wangˊ houˋ


34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

廣州 guangˇ zhou¯


34, 13, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33

廣口瓶 guangˇ kouˇ pingˊ

Wide mouth bottle


丿-彳 : > : > [往]-往後 : > [往]-往後吹了 >

丿-彳 : > : > [後]-往後 : > [後]-往後吹了 >

口-口 : > : > [吹]-吹了 : > [吹]-往後吹了 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-吹了 : > [了]-往後吹了 >

往後吹了 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 後

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