
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 無


Old and boring

henˇ laoˇ youˋ wuˊ liaoˊ

無 wuˊ
Without, Lacking, None, Not, No, Have No

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Phone , Tone


很老 henˇ laoˇ

無聊 wuˊ liaoˊ

Words that rhyme with 很老又無聊 (en-ao)

Grouped by first phone

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

很抱歉 henˇ baoˋ qianˋ

Sorry, Excuse me

很高興有人打擾 henˇ gao¯ xingˋ youˇ renˊ daˇ raoˇ

Was happy for the interruption

很高興看到 henˇ gao¯ xingˋ kanˋ daoˋ

Nice to see, Glad to see, I'm glad to see

很好 henˇ haoˇ

Good, Very good, Really good

很好入口 henˇ haoˇ ruˋ kouˇ

Very good taste, Sits in the mouth well

很好吃 henˇ haoˇ chi¯


很好呀 henˇ haoˇ ya˙

Great, Good, Perfect

很好心 henˇ haoˇ xin¯

Kind, Very kind, Kind-hearted, Well-intentioned

很好心地 henˇ haoˇ xin¯ de˙

Kindly, Very kindly, Kind-heartedly

很好玩 henˇ haoˇ wanˋ

Amusing, Very funny

很好的保全 henˇ haoˇ de˙ baoˇ quanˊ

Good security, Pretty good security

很老 henˇ laoˇ


很老又無聊 henˇ laoˇ youˋ wuˊ liaoˊ

Old and boring

很少 henˇ shaoˇ

Very few, Rarely, Seldom, Infrequently

很少人 henˇ shaoˇ renˊ

Very few people, Few people

很少去 henˇ shaoˇ quˋ

Very seldom, Very seldom go

很少拿著照相機 henˇ shaoˇ naˊ zhe˙ zhaoˋ xiang¯ ji¯

Seldom takes a camera along

很少數 henˇ shaoˇ shuˋ

Very few

很少有人來 henˇ shaoˇ youˇ renˊ laiˊ

Very few people come over, Don't have many people over

很少被人食用 henˇ shaoˇ beiˋ renˊ shiˊ yongˋ

Rarely eaten by people, Rarely eaten

很少見到 henˇ shaoˇ jianˋ daoˋ

Vary rarely seen

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

本島 benˇ daoˇ

Island, The island

奔跑 ben¯ paoˇ

Run, Run quickly, Rush, Rush carelessly

本著 benˇ zhaoˊ

In line with

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

沈葆楨 chenˊ baoˇ zhen¯

Chen Baozhen, a Qing dynasty official

塵暴 chenˊ baoˋ

Dust storm, Sand storm

趁早 chenˋ zaoˇ

As early as possible

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

分到 fen¯ daoˋ

Shared, Divided

分毫不差 fen¯ haoˊ buˊ chaˋ

No difference

焚燒 fenˊ shao¯

Burn, Burned

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

根號 gen¯ haoˋ

Root symbol, Root (of a number)

根號的數 gen¯ haoˋ de˙ shuˋ

Root of a number

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

人潮洶湧 renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ

Crowd, Crowded, Flood of people

人道 renˊ daoˋ

Philanthropy, Humanitarian, Sexual union

人造 renˊ zaoˋ

Man-made, Artificial

人造油 renˊ zaoˋ youˊ

Synthetic oil

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

深奧 shen¯ aoˋ

Deep, Profound, Little known, Difficult to understand, Recondite, Abstruse

申報 shen¯ baoˋ


伸到 shen¯ daoˋ


伸到頭上 shen¯ daoˋ touˊ shangˋ

Stretched overhead

身高 shen¯ gao¯

Height, Body height

身高一樣 shen¯ gao¯ yiˊ yangˋ

The same height

神炮手 shenˊ paoˋ shouˇ

Artillery, Expert gunner

甚少 shenˋ shaoˇ

Very few, Very little

深造 shen¯ zaoˋ

Carry out advanced research or study

hen, ben, chen, fen, gen, ren, shen, zhen

珍寶 zhen¯ baoˇ


真高興見到兩位 zhen¯ gao¯ xingˋ jianˋ daoˋ liangˇ weiˋ

It's so good to see you both, Truly wonderful to see you two, So good to see you both

真糟糕 zhen¯ zao¯ gao¯

Truly, What a mess

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

本島 benˇ daoˇ

Island, The island

很好 henˇ haoˇ

Good, Very good, Really good

很好入口 henˇ haoˇ ruˋ kouˇ

Very good taste, Sits in the mouth well

很好吃 henˇ haoˇ chi¯


很好呀 henˇ haoˇ ya˙

Great, Good, Perfect

很好心 henˇ haoˇ xin¯

Kind, Very kind, Kind-hearted, Well-intentioned

很好心地 henˇ haoˇ xin¯ de˙

Kindly, Very kindly, Kind-heartedly

很好玩 henˇ haoˇ wanˋ

Amusing, Very funny

很好的保全 henˇ haoˇ de˙ baoˇ quanˊ

Good security, Pretty good security

很老 henˇ laoˇ


很老又無聊 henˇ laoˇ youˋ wuˊ liaoˊ

Old and boring

很少 henˇ shaoˇ

Very few, Rarely, Seldom, Infrequently

很少人 henˇ shaoˇ renˊ

Very few people, Few people

很少去 henˇ shaoˇ quˋ

Very seldom, Very seldom go

很少拿著照相機 henˇ shaoˇ naˊ zhe˙ zhaoˋ xiang¯ ji¯

Seldom takes a camera along

很少數 henˇ shaoˇ shuˋ

Very few

很少有人來 henˇ shaoˇ youˇ renˊ laiˊ

Very few people come over, Don't have many people over

很少被人食用 henˇ shaoˇ beiˋ renˊ shiˊ yongˋ

Rarely eaten by people, Rarely eaten

很少見到 henˇ shaoˇ jianˋ daoˋ

Vary rarely seen

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

身高 shen¯ gao¯

Height, Body height

身高一樣 shen¯ gao¯ yiˊ yangˋ

The same height

真高興見到兩位 zhen¯ gao¯ xingˋ jianˋ daoˋ liangˇ weiˋ

It's so good to see you both, Truly wonderful to see you two, So good to see you both

真糟糕 zhen¯ zao¯ gao¯

Truly, What a mess

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

分毫不差 fen¯ haoˊ buˊ chaˋ

No difference

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

奔跑 ben¯ paoˇ

Run, Run quickly, Rush, Rush carelessly

珍寶 zhen¯ baoˇ


33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

分到 fen¯ daoˋ

Shared, Divided

根號 gen¯ haoˋ

Root symbol, Root (of a number)

根號的數 gen¯ haoˋ de˙ shuˋ

Root of a number

深奧 shen¯ aoˋ

Deep, Profound, Little known, Difficult to understand, Recondite, Abstruse

申報 shen¯ baoˋ


伸到 shen¯ daoˋ


伸到頭上 shen¯ daoˋ touˊ shangˋ

Stretched overhead

深造 shen¯ zaoˋ

Carry out advanced research or study

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

焚燒 fenˊ shao¯

Burn, Burned

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

人潮洶湧 renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ

Crowd, Crowded, Flood of people

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

沈葆楨 chenˊ baoˇ zhen¯

Chen Baozhen, a Qing dynasty official

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

塵暴 chenˊ baoˋ

Dust storm, Sand storm

人道 renˊ daoˋ

Philanthropy, Humanitarian, Sexual union

人造 renˊ zaoˋ

Man-made, Artificial

人造油 renˊ zaoˋ youˊ

Synthetic oil

神炮手 shenˊ paoˋ shouˇ

Artillery, Expert gunner

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

很高興有人打擾 henˇ gao¯ xingˋ youˇ renˊ daˇ raoˇ

Was happy for the interruption

很高興看到 henˇ gao¯ xingˋ kanˋ daoˋ

Nice to see, Glad to see, I'm glad to see

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

本著 benˇ zhaoˊ

In line with

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

很抱歉 henˇ baoˋ qianˋ

Sorry, Excuse me

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

趁早 chenˋ zaoˇ

As early as possible

甚少 shenˋ shaoˇ

Very few, Very little


丿-彳 : > : > [很]-很老 : > [很]-很老又無聊 >

十-十 : > : > [老]-很老 : > [老]-很老又無聊 >

𠃌-又 : > : > [又]-又無 : > [又]-很老又無聊 >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [無]-無聊 : > [無]-很老又無聊 >

一-耳 : > : > [聊]-無聊 : > [聊]-很老又無聊 >

很老又無聊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 無

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