
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 懟


Resent, Resentment

yuanˋ duiˋ

懟 duiˋ
Dislike, Hate

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 怨懟 (yuan-wei)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, quan

怨懟 yuanˋ duiˋ

Resent, Resentment

遠水不救近火 yuanˇ shuiˇ buˊ jiuˋ jinˋ huoˇ

Distant water won't extinguish a nearby fire

遠水不解近渴 yuanˇ shuiˇ buˋ jieˇ jinˋ keˇ

Distant water won't quench impeding thirst

原味 yuanˊ weiˋ

Original flavour

yuan, quan

權威 quanˊ wei¯

Authority, Power, Prestige

權威時尚專欄家 quanˊ wei¯ shiˊ shangˋ zhuan¯ lanˊ jia¯

Fashion columnist

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 21, 24, 33

怨懟 yuanˋ duiˋ

Resent, Resentment

44, 21, 24, 33

權威 quanˊ wei¯

Authority, Power, Prestige

權威時尚專欄家 quanˊ wei¯ shiˊ shangˋ zhuan¯ lanˊ jia¯

Fashion columnist

44, 21, 24, 33

原味 yuanˊ weiˋ

Original flavour

44, 21, 24, 33

遠水不救近火 yuanˇ shuiˇ buˊ jiuˋ jinˋ huoˇ

Distant water won't extinguish a nearby fire

遠水不解近渴 yuanˇ shuiˇ buˋ jieˇ jinˋ keˇ

Distant water won't quench impeding thirst


丿-夕 : > : > [怨]-怨懟 : > [怨]-怨懟 >

人-业 : > : > [懟]-怨懟 : > [懟]-怨懟 >

怨懟 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 懟

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