Index for words including 恢


Restore, Great, Vast, Enormous, Exaggerate, Rejuvenate, Regain

Word Links for words containing 恢 (sorted via character pairs)

恢 hui¯
Restore, Great, Vast, Enormous, Exaggerate, Rejuvenate, Regain

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


恢生 Rejuvenate, Revive


恢復 Restore, Return to

還沒恢復 Not yet restored

恢復體力 Recover strength, Restore strength

讓他恢復體力 Allow him to restore his strength

恢復原來位置 Return or returns to original position

漸漸恢復意識 Gradually came to, Gradually regained consciousness

比較恢復正常一些 A little more normal

他的呼吸又恢復正常了 His breathing is back to normal, He was breathing normally again

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