
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 爵


Lord Vile, (Cats: Name next)

eˋ jueˊ yeˊ

爵 jueˊ
Noble, Lord, Nobility

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Phone , Tone


爵爺 jueˊ yeˊ

Words that rhyme with 惡爵爺 (e-yue)

Grouped by first phone

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

惡爵爺 eˋ jueˊ yeˊ

Lord Vile

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

策略 ceˋ lueˋ

Scheme, Schemes, Strategy, Strategies, Tactic, Tactics

策略上有弱點 ceˋ lueˋ shangˋ youˇ ruoˋ dianˇ

Strategically unsound

策略聯盟 ceˋ lueˋ lianˊ mengˊ

Strategic alliance

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

的確發生過 de˙ queˋ fa¯ sheng¯ guoˋ

Certainly had been, Had definitely occurred

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

隔絕 geˊ jueˊ

Isolate, Isolated

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

合約 heˊ yue¯

Contract, Agreement

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

科學 ke¯ xueˊ


科學型計算機 ke¯ xueˊ xingˊ jiˋ suanˋ ji¯

Scientific calculator

科學家 ke¯ xueˊ jia¯

Scientist, Scientists

科學工業園區 ke¯ xueˊ gong¯ yeˋ yuanˊ qu¯

Science park

科學探索 ke¯ xueˊ tanˋ suoˇ

Scientific exploration

科學活動 ke¯ xueˊ huoˊ dongˋ

Scientific activities, Scientific activity

科學與實踐結合課程 ke¯ xueˊ yuˇ shiˊ jianˋ jieˊ heˊ keˋ chengˊ

Science with Practice, Courses that combine science and practice

科學資訊 ke¯ xueˊ zi¯ xunˋ

Scientific information

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

特約 teˋ yue¯

Exclusive, Special, By special appointment

e, ce, de, ge, he, ke, te, zhe

這確實是常聽到的理論 zheˋ queˋ shiˊ shiˋ changˊ ting¯ daoˋ de˙ liˇ lunˋ

This is of course a familiar argument

哲學 zheˊ xueˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

惡爵爺 eˋ jueˊ yeˊ

Lord Vile

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

科學 ke¯ xueˊ


科學型計算機 ke¯ xueˊ xingˊ jiˋ suanˋ ji¯

Scientific calculator

科學家 ke¯ xueˊ jia¯

Scientist, Scientists

科學工業園區 ke¯ xueˊ gong¯ yeˋ yuanˊ qu¯

Science park

科學探索 ke¯ xueˊ tanˋ suoˇ

Scientific exploration

科學活動 ke¯ xueˊ huoˊ dongˋ

Scientific activities, Scientific activity

科學與實踐結合課程 ke¯ xueˊ yuˇ shiˊ jianˋ jieˊ heˊ keˋ chengˊ

Science with Practice, Courses that combine science and practice

科學資訊 ke¯ xueˊ zi¯ xunˋ

Scientific information

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

合約 heˊ yue¯

Contract, Agreement

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

隔絕 geˊ jueˊ

Isolate, Isolated

哲學 zheˊ xueˊ


42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

特約 teˋ yue¯

Exclusive, Special, By special appointment

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

策略 ceˋ lueˋ

Scheme, Schemes, Strategy, Strategies, Tactic, Tactics

策略上有弱點 ceˋ lueˋ shangˋ youˇ ruoˋ dianˇ

Strategically unsound

策略聯盟 ceˋ lueˋ lianˊ mengˊ

Strategic alliance

這確實是常聽到的理論 zheˋ queˋ shiˊ shiˋ changˊ ting¯ daoˋ de˙ liˇ lunˋ

This is of course a familiar argument

42, 12, 21, 22, 41, 44, 54

的確發生過 de˙ queˋ fa¯ sheng¯ guoˋ

Certainly had been, Had definitely occurred


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