
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 得


Wants to get, Wants to become, Wants to reach

xiangˇ yaoˋ deˊ

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

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Phone , Tone


想要 xiangˇ yaoˋ

Words that rhyme with 想要得 (yang-yao)

Grouped by first phone

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

想表達卻想不起來的 xiangˇ biaoˇ daˊ queˋ xiangˇ buˋ qiˇ laiˊ de˙

Wanted to say but couldn't

香蕉 xiang¯ jiao¯

Banana, Bananas

香蕉草莓 xiang¯ jiao¯ caoˇ meiˊ


相較 xiang¯ jiaoˋ

Compared to, Compared with

相較於 xiang¯ jiaoˋ yuˊ

Compared to, Compared with

橡膠 xiangˋ jiao¯


橡膠燒焦的味道 xiangˋ jiao¯ shao¯ jiao¯ de˙ weiˋ daoˋ

Smell of burned rubber

香料 xiang¯ liaoˋ

Spices, Perfumes, Fragrances

像小偷 xiangˋ xiaoˇ tou¯

Like a thief

像小偷一樣 xiangˋ xiaoˇ tou¯ yiˊ yangˋ

Like a thief

想要 xiangˇ yaoˋ

Want, Wanted, Want to

想要做什麼 xiangˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

Want to do, Wanted to do

想要小孩 xiangˇ yaoˋ xiaoˇ haiˊ

Want kids, Wanted kids

想要得 xiangˇ yaoˋ deˊ

Wants to get, Wants to become, Wants to reach

想要把他們找回來 xiangˇ yaoˋ baˇ ta¯ men˙ zhaoˇ huiˊ laiˊ

Wanted them to return, Wanted their return

想要捉小羊 xiangˇ yaoˋ zhuo¯ xiaoˇ yangˊ

Wanted to catch the lamb, Wanted to catch a lamb

想要放棄的 xiangˇ yaoˋ fangˋ qiˋ de˙

Desire to give up, Want to give in

想要的 xiangˇ yaoˋ de˙


想要開 xiangˇ yaoˋ kai¯

Wanted to drive

想要開發 xiangˇ yaoˋ kai¯ fa¯

Wanted to develop, Want to develop

像要 xiangˋ yaoˋ

As if about to

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

將絞車換成踏車 jiang¯ jiaoˇ che¯ huanˋ chengˊ taˋ che¯

Replace a winch with a treadmill

將腳凳搬過來 jiang¯ jiaoˇ dengˋ ban¯ guoˋ laiˊ

Brought the stool over, Bring the footstool over

醬料 jiangˋ liaoˋ

Sauce, Sauce ingredients

將要 jiang¯ yaoˋ

About to, On the point of

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

兩腳 liangˇ jiaoˇ


兩腳穩穩地踩著 liangˇ jiaoˇ wenˇ wenˇ de˙ caiˇ zhe˙

Planting both feet

兩腳都 liangˇ jiaoˇ dou¯

Both feet, Both legs

兩條 liangˇ tiaoˊ

Two strips of, Two

兩條小小的魚 liangˇ tiaoˊ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ yuˊ

Two tiny little fish

兩條深刻的縱紋 liangˇ tiaoˊ shen¯ keˋ de˙ zong¯ wenˊ

Two deep vertical lines

兩條線 liangˇ tiaoˊ xianˋ

Two lines

兩條自行車路線 liangˇ tiaoˊ ziˋ xingˊ che¯ luˋ xianˋ

Two bike routes, Two bicycle routes

兩條路線 liangˇ tiaoˊ luˋ xianˋ

Two routes

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

腔調 qiang¯ diaoˋ

Tune, Melody, Accent

強調 qiangˊ diaoˋ

Emphasize, Stress

牆角 qiangˊ jiaoˇ

Corner between two walls

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

想要 xiangˇ yaoˋ

Want, Wanted, Want to

想要做什麼 xiangˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

Want to do, Wanted to do

想要小孩 xiangˇ yaoˋ xiaoˇ haiˊ

Want kids, Wanted kids

想要得 xiangˇ yaoˋ deˊ

Wants to get, Wants to become, Wants to reach

想要把他們找回來 xiangˇ yaoˋ baˇ ta¯ men˙ zhaoˇ huiˊ laiˊ

Wanted them to return, Wanted their return

想要捉小羊 xiangˇ yaoˋ zhuo¯ xiaoˇ yangˊ

Wanted to catch the lamb, Wanted to catch a lamb

想要放棄的 xiangˇ yaoˋ fangˋ qiˋ de˙

Desire to give up, Want to give in

想要的 xiangˇ yaoˋ de˙


想要開 xiangˇ yaoˋ kai¯

Wanted to drive

想要開發 xiangˇ yaoˋ kai¯ fa¯

Wanted to develop, Want to develop

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

香蕉 xiang¯ jiao¯

Banana, Bananas

香蕉草莓 xiang¯ jiao¯ caoˇ meiˊ


34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

將絞車換成踏車 jiang¯ jiaoˇ che¯ huanˋ chengˊ taˋ che¯

Replace a winch with a treadmill

將腳凳搬過來 jiang¯ jiaoˇ dengˋ ban¯ guoˋ laiˊ

Brought the stool over, Bring the footstool over

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

將要 jiang¯ yaoˋ

About to, On the point of

腔調 qiang¯ diaoˋ

Tune, Melody, Accent

相較 xiang¯ jiaoˋ

Compared to, Compared with

相較於 xiang¯ jiaoˋ yuˊ

Compared to, Compared with

香料 xiang¯ liaoˋ

Spices, Perfumes, Fragrances

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

牆角 qiangˊ jiaoˇ

Corner between two walls

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

強調 qiangˊ diaoˋ

Emphasize, Stress

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

兩條 liangˇ tiaoˊ

Two strips of, Two

兩條小小的魚 liangˇ tiaoˊ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ yuˊ

Two tiny little fish

兩條深刻的縱紋 liangˇ tiaoˊ shen¯ keˋ de˙ zong¯ wenˊ

Two deep vertical lines

兩條線 liangˇ tiaoˊ xianˋ

Two lines

兩條自行車路線 liangˇ tiaoˊ ziˋ xingˊ che¯ luˋ xianˋ

Two bike routes, Two bicycle routes

兩條路線 liangˇ tiaoˊ luˋ xianˋ

Two routes

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

兩腳 liangˇ jiaoˇ


兩腳穩穩地踩著 liangˇ jiaoˇ wenˇ wenˇ de˙ caiˇ zhe˙

Planting both feet

兩腳都 liangˇ jiaoˇ dou¯

Both feet, Both legs

想表達卻想不起來的 xiangˇ biaoˇ daˊ queˋ xiangˇ buˋ qiˇ laiˊ de˙

Wanted to say but couldn't

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

橡膠 xiangˋ jiao¯


橡膠燒焦的味道 xiangˋ jiao¯ shao¯ jiao¯ de˙ weiˋ daoˋ

Smell of burned rubber

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

像小偷 xiangˋ xiaoˇ tou¯

Like a thief

像小偷一樣 xiangˋ xiaoˇ tou¯ yiˊ yangˋ

Like a thief

34, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44

醬料 jiangˋ liaoˋ

Sauce, Sauce ingredients

像要 xiangˋ yaoˋ

As if about to


十-木 : > : > [想]-想要 : > [想]-想要得 >

一-覀 : > : > [要]-想要 : > [要]-想要得 >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-要得 : > [得]-想要得 >

想要得 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 得

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