
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 右


More to the right, Further to the right

yuˋ youˋ bian¯

右 youˋ

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Phone , Tone


右邊 youˋ bian¯

Words that rhyme with 愈右邊 (yu-you)

Grouped by first phone

yu, ju, luu, qu, xu

雨有多大 yuˇ youˇ duo¯ daˋ

Is it raining a lot?, How much is it raining?

愈右邊 yuˋ youˋ bian¯

More to the right, Further to the right

yu, ju, luu, qu, xu

居留 ju¯ liuˊ


居留權 ju¯ liuˊ quanˊ

Right of abode, Right of permanent residence

拘留 ju¯ liuˊ

Detain, Arrest

拘留所 ju¯ liuˊ suoˇ


具有 juˋ youˇ

Have, Possess, Possessed

具有傳染性 juˋ youˇ chuanˊ ranˇ xingˋ


具有大型 juˋ youˇ daˋ xingˊ


yu, ju, luu, qu, xu

綠牛奶茶無糖 luuˋ niuˊ naiˇ chaˊ wuˊ tangˊ

Green Milk Tea Without Sugar

旅遊 luuˇ youˊ

Travel, Trip, Tour

濾油器 luuˋ youˊ qiˋ

Oil filter

yu, ju, luu, qu, xu

去休假 quˋ xiu¯ jiaˋ

Go on vacation

去遊 quˋ youˊ

Go travel, Go travelling

yu, ju, luu, qu, xu

許久 xuˇ jiuˇ

For some time, For quite some time

酗酒 xuˋ jiuˇ

Drink (alcohol), Liquor

需求 xu¯ qiuˊ

Requirements, Requests, Needs

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

愈右邊 yuˋ youˋ bian¯

More to the right, Further to the right

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

居留 ju¯ liuˊ


居留權 ju¯ liuˊ quanˊ

Right of abode, Right of permanent residence

拘留 ju¯ liuˊ

Detain, Arrest

拘留所 ju¯ liuˊ suoˇ


需求 xu¯ qiuˊ

Requirements, Requests, Needs

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

旅遊 luuˇ youˊ

Travel, Trip, Tour

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

許久 xuˇ jiuˇ

For some time, For quite some time

雨有多大 yuˇ youˇ duo¯ daˋ

Is it raining a lot?, How much is it raining?

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

去休假 quˋ xiu¯ jiaˋ

Go on vacation

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

綠牛奶茶無糖 luuˋ niuˊ naiˇ chaˊ wuˊ tangˊ

Green Milk Tea Without Sugar

濾油器 luuˋ youˊ qiˋ

Oil filter

去遊 quˋ youˊ

Go travel, Go travelling

44, 12, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43

具有 juˋ youˇ

Have, Possess, Possessed

具有傳染性 juˋ youˇ chuanˊ ranˇ xingˋ


具有大型 juˋ youˇ daˋ xingˊ


酗酒 xuˋ jiuˇ

Drink (alcohol), Liquor


人-人 : > : > [愈]-愈右 : > [愈]-愈右邊 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [右]-右邊 : > [右]-愈右邊 >

丶-辶 : > : > [邊]-右邊 : > [邊]-愈右邊 >

愈右邊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 右

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