
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 很


Feel great, Felt great, It was great

ganˇ jueˊ henˇ bangˋ

很 henˇ
Very, Very Much, Is, Are, Highly, Extremely

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Phone , Tone


感覺 ganˇ jueˊ

很棒 henˇ bangˋ

Words that rhyme with 感覺很棒 (an-yue)

Grouped by first phone

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

感覺 ganˇ jueˊ

Sensation, Take in sensory information, Notice, Feel, Sense, Perceive, Noticed, Felt, Sensed, Perceived

感覺上 ganˇ jueˊ shangˋ

Felt, Seemed

感覺不到 ganˇ jueˊ buˊ daoˋ

Can't be felt

感覺出 ganˇ jueˊ chu¯

Feel out, Feel

感覺到 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ

Feel, Feels, Feeling, Felt, Sense, Senses, Sensing, Sensed, Perceive, Perceives, Perceiving, Perceived

感覺到了 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ le˙

Felt, Felt it

感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ kong¯ qiˋ diˇ zhe˙ ta¯ de˙ zhangˇ xin¯

Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm

感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ kong¯ qiˋ diˇ zhe˙ ta¯ de˙ zhangˇ xin¯

Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm

感覺和控制 ganˇ jueˊ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ

Feel and control, Sense and control

感覺壓力 ganˇ jueˊ ya¯ liˋ

Feel pressure, Sense pressure

感覺就像是那樣 ganˇ jueˊ jiuˋ xiangˋ shiˋ naˋ yangˋ

Seems like that, Feels like that

感覺很好 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ haoˇ

Felt good, It was nice that

感覺很棒 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ bangˋ

Feel great, Felt great, It was great

感覺很痛 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ tongˋ

Hurting, Felt pain

感覺怎麼樣啊 ganˇ jueˊ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ a¯

How did it feel

感覺手臂肌肉 ganˇ jueˊ shouˇ biˋ ji¯ rouˋ

Feel (the) arm muscles

感覺挺不錯 ganˇ jueˊ tingˇ buˊ cuoˋ

Feel good, Feels good, It's nice to

感覺越強 ganˇ jueˊ yueˋ qiangˊ

The stronger the sensation

感覺過 ganˇ jueˊ guoˋ

Noticed, Felt, Sensed, Perceived

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

半決賽 banˋ jueˊ saiˋ


辦學 banˋ xueˊ

Run a school

半月 banˋ yueˋ

Half moon

半月式 banˋ yueˋ shiˋ

Half Moon Pose, Ardha Chandrasana

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

殘缺 canˊ que¯

Incomplete, Fragmented, Disabled

參閱 can¯ yueˋ

Refer to

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

但卻 danˋ queˋ

Yet, However, Instead

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

翻閱 fan¯ yueˋ

Browse, Glance through, Leaf through, Thumb through, Flip through

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

藍鵲 lanˊ queˋ

Blue Magpie, Formosan Blue Magpie

攬雀尾履擠按 lanˇ queˋ weiˇ luuˇ jiˇ anˋ

Grasp Sparrows Tail (Roll Back, Press then Push)

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

蠻確定 manˊ queˋ dingˋ

Fairly certain, Fairly sure

蔓越莓 manˊ yueˋ meiˊ


gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

男爵 nanˊ jueˊ

Baron, Baronet

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

判決 panˋ jueˊ

Judgement, Verdict, Sentence

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

三月 san¯ yueˋ

March, Mar

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

山岳 shan¯ yueˋ

Mountains, Hills

gan, ban, can, dan, fan, lan, man, nan, pan, san, shan, zhan

戰略 zhanˋ lueˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

感覺 ganˇ jueˊ

Sensation, Take in sensory information, Notice, Feel, Sense, Perceive, Noticed, Felt, Sensed, Perceived

感覺上 ganˇ jueˊ shangˋ

Felt, Seemed

感覺不到 ganˇ jueˊ buˊ daoˋ

Can't be felt

感覺出 ganˇ jueˊ chu¯

Feel out, Feel

感覺到 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ

Feel, Feels, Feeling, Felt, Sense, Senses, Sensing, Sensed, Perceive, Perceives, Perceiving, Perceived

感覺到了 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ le˙

Felt, Felt it

感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ kong¯ qiˋ diˇ zhe˙ ta¯ de˙ zhangˇ xin¯

Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm

感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ kong¯ qiˋ diˇ zhe˙ ta¯ de˙ zhangˇ xin¯

Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm

感覺和控制 ganˇ jueˊ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ

Feel and control, Sense and control

感覺壓力 ganˇ jueˊ ya¯ liˋ

Feel pressure, Sense pressure

感覺就像是那樣 ganˇ jueˊ jiuˋ xiangˋ shiˋ naˋ yangˋ

Seems like that, Feels like that

感覺很好 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ haoˇ

Felt good, It was nice that

感覺很棒 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ bangˋ

Feel great, Felt great, It was great

感覺很痛 ganˇ jueˊ henˇ tongˋ

Hurting, Felt pain

感覺怎麼樣啊 ganˇ jueˊ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ a¯

How did it feel

感覺手臂肌肉 ganˇ jueˊ shouˇ biˋ ji¯ rouˋ

Feel (the) arm muscles

感覺挺不錯 ganˇ jueˊ tingˇ buˊ cuoˋ

Feel good, Feels good, It's nice to

感覺越強 ganˇ jueˊ yueˋ qiangˊ

The stronger the sensation

感覺過 ganˇ jueˊ guoˋ

Noticed, Felt, Sensed, Perceived

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

參閱 can¯ yueˋ

Refer to

翻閱 fan¯ yueˋ

Browse, Glance through, Leaf through, Thumb through, Flip through

三月 san¯ yueˋ

March, Mar

山岳 shan¯ yueˋ

Mountains, Hills

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

殘缺 canˊ que¯

Incomplete, Fragmented, Disabled

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

男爵 nanˊ jueˊ

Baron, Baronet

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

藍鵲 lanˊ queˋ

Blue Magpie, Formosan Blue Magpie

蠻確定 manˊ queˋ dingˋ

Fairly certain, Fairly sure

蔓越莓 manˊ yueˋ meiˊ


32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

攬雀尾履擠按 lanˇ queˋ weiˇ luuˇ jiˇ anˋ

Grasp Sparrows Tail (Roll Back, Press then Push)

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

半決賽 banˋ jueˊ saiˋ


辦學 banˋ xueˊ

Run a school

判決 panˋ jueˊ

Judgement, Verdict, Sentence

32, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 44

半月 banˋ yueˋ

Half moon

半月式 banˋ yueˋ shiˋ

Half Moon Pose, Ardha Chandrasana

但卻 danˋ queˋ

Yet, However, Instead

戰略 zhanˋ lueˋ



丶-弋 : > : > [感]-感覺 : > [感]-感覺很棒 >

厂-臼 : > : > [覺]-感覺 : > [覺]-感覺很棒 >

丿-彳 : > : > [很]-很棒 : > [很]-感覺很棒 >

十-木 : > : > [棒]-很棒 : > [棒]-感覺很棒 >

感覺很棒 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 很

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