
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 掛


Dangle, Hang, Dangling, Hanging

xuanˊ guaˋ

掛 guaˋ
Hang, Suspend, Mount, Register, Worry

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 懸掛 (yuan-wa)

Grouped by first phone

xuan, yuan

懸掛 xuanˊ guaˋ

Dangle, Hang, Dangling, Hanging

懸掛式 xuanˊ guaˋ shiˋ


喧嘩 xuan¯ hua¯

Noise, Clamour

xuan, yuan

圓滑 yuanˊ huaˊ

Round and smooth, Rounded and smooth

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 22

懸掛 xuanˊ guaˋ

Dangle, Hang, Dangling, Hanging

懸掛式 xuanˊ guaˋ shiˋ


24, 11, 22

喧嘩 xuan¯ hua¯

Noise, Clamour

24, 11, 22

圓滑 yuanˊ huaˊ

Round and smooth, Rounded and smooth


冂-且 : > : > [懸]-懸掛 : > [懸]-懸掛 >

十-扌 : > : > [掛]-懸掛 : > [掛]-懸掛 >

懸掛 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 掛

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