
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 群



chengˊ qunˊ

群 qunˊ
Team, Group, Multitude, Crowd, Flock, Grouping, (羣), MW For Crowds Or Groups

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 成群 (eng-yun)

Grouped by first phone

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

成群 chengˊ qunˊ


成群結隊 chengˊ qunˊ jieˊ duiˋ

In groups

成群結隊地 chengˊ qunˊ jieˊ duiˋ de˙

Banded together, Working as a group

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

等韻 dengˇ yunˋ

Vowel group classifications in Chinese phonology

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

風雲 feng¯ yunˊ

Wind and cloud

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

耕耘 geng¯ yunˊ

Ploughing and weeding, Cultivating, Till and weed

耕耘機 geng¯ yunˊ ji¯

Power tiller

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

蓬裙 pengˊ qunˊ

Crinoline, Petticoat

cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

聲韻 sheng¯ yunˋ

Word rhymes and tones

聲韻學 sheng¯ yunˋ xueˊ


cheng, deng, feng, geng, peng, sheng, zheng

徵詢 zheng¯ xunˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 14, 34

成群 chengˊ qunˊ


成群結隊 chengˊ qunˊ jieˊ duiˋ

In groups

成群結隊地 chengˊ qunˊ jieˊ duiˋ de˙

Banded together, Working as a group

蓬裙 pengˊ qunˊ

Crinoline, Petticoat

22, 12, 14, 34

風雲 feng¯ yunˊ

Wind and cloud

耕耘 geng¯ yunˊ

Ploughing and weeding, Cultivating, Till and weed

耕耘機 geng¯ yunˊ ji¯

Power tiller

徵詢 zheng¯ xunˊ


22, 12, 14, 34

聲韻 sheng¯ yunˋ

Word rhymes and tones

聲韻學 sheng¯ yunˋ xueˊ


22, 12, 14, 34

等韻 dengˇ yunˋ

Vowel group classifications in Chinese phonology


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成群 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 群

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