Index for words including 戶


Household, Family, Door, Entrance, Window, MW For Objects Related To Households And Families

Word Links for words containing 戶 (sorted via character pairs)

戶 huˋ
Household, Family, Door, Entrance, Window, MW For Objects Related To Households And Families

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


戶口 Household, Registered place of residence

政府登記戶口 Government household registration


家喻戶曉 Household name


家家戶戶 Each and every family


戶外 Outdoor(s), Away from home

戶外工作 Outdoor work, Working outdoors

人們在戶外活動 People doing things outdoors

戶外的民俗音樂會 Outdoor folk concert


門當戶對 Well matched as in the level of wealth of two families in a marriage


戶頭 Account

他的戶頭 His account, His bank account

被存進他的戶頭 Was deposited into his account


賬戶 Account


用戶 Customer, Subscriber, Subscription holder, Utility customer, Household (as a customer or utility user)

終端用戶 End user


住戶 Resident family


客戶 Customer, Client

客戶 New customer or client

客戶 Honored customer

一位客戶 A customer, A client

某位客戶 One customer, A particular client

給另一個客戶 Give to another customer or client

是個受重視的客戶 A valued customer


窗戶 Windows

窗戶 Cleans the windows

頂著窗戶 Press against the window, Presses against the window, Pressing against the window, Pressed against the window

一長排窗戶 A long line of windows

他移向窗戶 He moved to the window

她移向窗戶 She moved to the window

飛進了窗戶 Flew through the window

一扇開著的窗戶 An open window

一扇髒髒的窗戶 A dirty window

浴缸上方的窗戶 The window over the tub

關上背後的窗戶 Shut the window behind you, She shut the window behind her, He shut the window behind him

窗戶鑽了出去 Went through the window

不能開個窗戶來通風 Can't open a window for ventilation

像簾子拉開的窗戶 Like windows with their curtains pulled back

窗戶為什麼要打開 Why was the window open, Why had the window been open

站在他的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath his window, Stood directly beneath his window

站在她的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath her window, Stood directly beneath her window


千家萬戶 Thousands of households


落戶 Settle down


一戶 This household, This family


帳戶 Account


挨家挨戶 Door to door

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