
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 釦


Button up, Buttons up, Buttoning up, Buttoned up, Button it, Buttons it, Buttoning it, Buttoned it, (Cats: Latest next)

kouˋ haoˇ niuˇ kouˋ

釦 kouˋ
Button, Buckle, Clasp

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Phone , Tone


鈕釦 niuˇ kouˋ

Words that rhyme with 扣好鈕釦 (ou-ao)

Grouped by first phone

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

寇盜 kouˋ daoˋ

Insurgents, Pillagers, Bandits

口號 kouˇ haoˋ

Slogan, Oral command

扣好鈕釦 kouˋ haoˇ niuˇ kouˋ

Button up, Buttons up, Buttoning up, Buttoned up, Button it, Buttons it, Buttoning it, Buttoned it

口哨 kouˇ shaoˋ


口哨聲 kouˇ shaoˋ sheng¯


口罩 kouˇ zhaoˋ

Face mask

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

抽刀 chou¯ dao¯

Draw a knife or blade

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

都好 dou¯ haoˇ

Both okay, Yes

都好像 dou¯ haoˇ xiangˋ

All seemed

都好像在看他 dou¯ haoˇ xiangˋ zaiˋ kanˋ ta¯

All seemed to be looking at him

逗號 douˋ haoˋ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

狗吵翻天 gouˇ chaoˇ fan¯ tian¯

Playful and noisy dog

夠老 gouˋ laoˇ

Old enough, Sufficiently old

夠老夠有風度 gouˋ laoˇ gouˋ youˇ feng¯ duˋ

Sufficiently old and stylish, Old and stylish

構造 gouˋ zaoˋ


構造學 gouˋ zaoˋ xueˊ

Structural Science, Tectonics

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

厚道 houˋ daoˋ

Kind, Considerate, Generous, Sincere, Charitable

後腦勺 houˋ naoˇ shaoˊ

Back of the head

後照鏡 houˋ zhaoˋ jingˋ

Rear view mirror

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

樓道 louˊ daoˋ


樓高而窄 louˊ gao¯ erˊ zhaiˇ

The building was tall and narrow

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

肉燥飯 rouˋ zaoˋ fanˋ

Minced meat on rice

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

收到 shou¯ daoˋ

Receive, Get, Obtain

收到了 shou¯ daoˋ le˙


收到了電子郵件 shou¯ daoˋ le˙ dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ

Received an email

受到 shouˋ daoˋ

Endure, Subject to, Suffer

受到大眾喜愛 shouˋ daoˋ daˋ zhongˋ xiˇ aiˋ

Loved by the public, Public appeal

受到拘束 shouˋ daoˋ ju¯ shuˋ

Tied down, Suffer the constraints of

受到正義的制裁 shouˋ daoˋ zhengˋ yiˋ de˙ zhiˋ caiˊ

Bring to justice, Brought to justice

受到漢人保護 shouˋ daoˋ hanˋ renˊ baoˇ huˋ

Came under the protection of Han Chinese

受到疫情影響 shouˋ daoˋ yiˋ qingˊ yingˇ xiangˇ

Affected by the epidemic, Affected by an epidemic

手銬 shouˇ kaoˋ

Handcuffs, Shackles

首腦 shouˇ naoˇ


手套 shouˇ taoˋ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

投保 touˊ baoˇ

Take out an insurance policy

偷盜之徒 tou¯ daoˋ zhi¯ tuˊ

Acts of theft

頭倒立式 touˊ daoˋ liˋ shiˋ

Headstand Sirsasana

投稿 touˊ gaoˇ


頭號 touˊ haoˋ

Number one

頭腦 touˊ naoˇ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

周朝 zhou¯ chaoˊ

Zhao Dynasty

周到 zhou¯ daoˋ

Thorough, Considerate, Thoughtful

周遭 zhou¯ zao¯

All around

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, lou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

走到 zouˇ daoˋ

Arrived at, Walk to, Walked to

走到中間的門 zouˇ daoˋ zhong¯ jian¯ de˙ menˊ

Go to the middle door, Went to the middle door

走到了 zouˇ daoˋ le˙

Arrive at

走到全身鏡前 zouˇ daoˋ quanˊ shen¯ jingˋ qianˊ

Go to the full-length mirror, Goes to the full-length mirror, Went to the full-length mirror

走到前面再繞過來 zouˇ daoˋ qianˊ mianˋ zaiˋ raoˋ guoˋ laiˊ

Go around to the front, Go around

走到外面 zouˇ daoˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Went outside, Walked outside

走到我身邊 zouˇ daoˋ woˇ shen¯ bian¯

Walked to my side

走到房門前 zouˇ daoˋ fangˊ menˊ qianˊ

Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到敞開的門邊 zouˇ daoˋ changˇ kai¯ de˙ menˊ bian¯

Walked to the open door, Reached the open door

走到河邊研究蝌蚪 zouˇ daoˋ heˊ bian¯ yanˊ jiuˋ ke¯ douˇ

Walk down to a river to study tadpoles, Walking to a river to study tadpoles

走到碼頭盡頭 zouˇ daoˋ maˇ touˊ jinˋ touˊ

Walk to the end of the pier

走到車道盡頭 zouˇ daoˋ che¯ daoˋ jinˋ touˊ

Walk to the end of the driveway

走到門口 zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ

Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到餐桌邊 zouˇ daoˋ can¯ zhuo¯ bian¯

Walked to the table

走道 zouˇ daoˋ

Aisle, Footpath, Pavement, Sidewalk

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

夠老 gouˋ laoˇ

Old enough, Sufficiently old

夠老夠有風度 gouˋ laoˇ gouˋ youˇ feng¯ duˋ

Sufficiently old and stylish, Old and stylish

後腦勺 houˋ naoˇ shaoˊ

Back of the head

扣好鈕釦 kouˋ haoˇ niuˇ kouˋ

Button up, Buttons up, Buttoning up, Buttoned up, Button it, Buttons it, Buttoning it, Buttoned it

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

抽刀 chou¯ dao¯

Draw a knife or blade

周遭 zhou¯ zao¯

All around

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

周朝 zhou¯ chaoˊ

Zhao Dynasty

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

都好 dou¯ haoˇ

Both okay, Yes

都好像 dou¯ haoˇ xiangˋ

All seemed

都好像在看他 dou¯ haoˇ xiangˋ zaiˋ kanˋ ta¯

All seemed to be looking at him

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

收到 shou¯ daoˋ

Receive, Get, Obtain

收到了 shou¯ daoˋ le˙


收到了電子郵件 shou¯ daoˋ le˙ dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ

Received an email

偷盜之徒 tou¯ daoˋ zhi¯ tuˊ

Acts of theft

周到 zhou¯ daoˋ

Thorough, Considerate, Thoughtful

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

樓高而窄 louˊ gao¯ erˊ zhaiˇ

The building was tall and narrow

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

投保 touˊ baoˇ

Take out an insurance policy

投稿 touˊ gaoˇ


頭腦 touˊ naoˇ


43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

樓道 louˊ daoˋ


頭倒立式 touˊ daoˋ liˋ shiˋ

Headstand Sirsasana

頭號 touˊ haoˋ

Number one

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

狗吵翻天 gouˇ chaoˇ fan¯ tian¯

Playful and noisy dog

首腦 shouˇ naoˇ


43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

口號 kouˇ haoˋ

Slogan, Oral command

口哨 kouˇ shaoˋ


口哨聲 kouˇ shaoˋ sheng¯


口罩 kouˇ zhaoˋ

Face mask

手銬 shouˇ kaoˋ

Handcuffs, Shackles

手套 shouˇ taoˋ


走到 zouˇ daoˋ

Arrived at, Walk to, Walked to

走到中間的門 zouˇ daoˋ zhong¯ jian¯ de˙ menˊ

Go to the middle door, Went to the middle door

走到了 zouˇ daoˋ le˙

Arrive at

走到全身鏡前 zouˇ daoˋ quanˊ shen¯ jingˋ qianˊ

Go to the full-length mirror, Goes to the full-length mirror, Went to the full-length mirror

走到前面再繞過來 zouˇ daoˋ qianˊ mianˋ zaiˋ raoˋ guoˋ laiˊ

Go around to the front, Go around

走到外面 zouˇ daoˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Went outside, Walked outside

走到我身邊 zouˇ daoˋ woˇ shen¯ bian¯

Walked to my side

走到房門前 zouˇ daoˋ fangˊ menˊ qianˊ

Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到敞開的門邊 zouˇ daoˋ changˇ kai¯ de˙ menˊ bian¯

Walked to the open door, Reached the open door

走到河邊研究蝌蚪 zouˇ daoˋ heˊ bian¯ yanˊ jiuˋ ke¯ douˇ

Walk down to a river to study tadpoles, Walking to a river to study tadpoles

走到碼頭盡頭 zouˇ daoˋ maˇ touˊ jinˋ touˊ

Walk to the end of the pier

走到車道盡頭 zouˇ daoˋ che¯ daoˋ jinˋ touˊ

Walk to the end of the driveway

走到門口 zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ

Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到餐桌邊 zouˇ daoˋ can¯ zhuo¯ bian¯

Walked to the table

走道 zouˇ daoˋ

Aisle, Footpath, Pavement, Sidewalk

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 44

逗號 douˋ haoˋ


構造 gouˋ zaoˋ


構造學 gouˋ zaoˋ xueˊ

Structural Science, Tectonics

厚道 houˋ daoˋ

Kind, Considerate, Generous, Sincere, Charitable

後照鏡 houˋ zhaoˋ jingˋ

Rear view mirror

寇盜 kouˋ daoˋ

Insurgents, Pillagers, Bandits

肉燥飯 rouˋ zaoˋ fanˋ

Minced meat on rice

受到 shouˋ daoˋ

Endure, Subject to, Suffer

受到大眾喜愛 shouˋ daoˋ daˋ zhongˋ xiˇ aiˋ

Loved by the public, Public appeal

受到拘束 shouˋ daoˋ ju¯ shuˋ

Tied down, Suffer the constraints of

受到正義的制裁 shouˋ daoˋ zhengˋ yiˋ de˙ zhiˋ caiˊ

Bring to justice, Brought to justice

受到漢人保護 shouˋ daoˋ hanˋ renˊ baoˇ huˋ

Came under the protection of Han Chinese

受到疫情影響 shouˋ daoˋ yiˋ qingˊ yingˇ xiangˇ

Affected by the epidemic, Affected by an epidemic


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