Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
baˇ shouˇ naˊ kai¯
拿 naˊ
Grab, Take, Bring, Hold, Carry, Seize, Catch, Apprehend
把手 baˇ shouˇ
手拿開 shouˇ naˊ kai¯
Grouped by first phone
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
把某人當作朋友 baˇ mouˇ renˊ dang¯ zuoˋ pengˊ youˇ
Treat someone as a friend
把某個人殺了 baˇ mouˇ ge˙ renˊ sha¯ le˙
Kill someone, Killed someone
把守 baˇ shouˇ
Guard, Watch over
把守著 baˇ shouˇ zhe˙
Guarding, Watching over
把手 baˇ shouˇ
Handle, Handles, Hold hands, Take hands, Place hands
把手伸進 baˇ shouˇ shen¯ jinˋ
Reach hand, Reaching hands into
把手拿開 baˇ shouˇ naˊ kai¯
Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
把手杖 baˇ shouˇ zhangˋ
Taking the walking-stick
把手杖尖 baˇ shouˇ zhangˋ jian¯
Taking the tip of the walking stick
把手臂往後舉 baˇ shouˇ biˋ wangˇ houˋ juˇ
Reach the arms back
罷手 baˋ shouˇ
Stop, Cease, Give up
把頭低下 baˇ touˊ di¯ xiaˋ
Get your head down, Get down, Duck
把頭塞進毯子下 baˇ touˊ sai¯ jinˋ tanˇ ziˇ xiaˋ
Stuck their head under the blanket
把頭盔脫了 baˇ touˊ kui¯ tuo¯ le˙
Took off helmet
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
擦手 ca¯ shouˇ
Rubbing a hand, Rubbing the hand
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
茶樓 chaˊ louˊ
插手 cha¯ shouˇ
Meddle, Intervene, Step in
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
打鬥 daˇ douˋ
Fight, Skirmish
大都 daˋ dou¯
打勾 daˇ gou¯
Tick (mark), Check (box)
打狗 daˇ gouˇ
大吼 daˋ houˇ
Shout, Shouts, Shouted
大吼一聲 daˋ houˇ yiˋ sheng¯
Roared a single time
大吼了 daˋ houˇ le˙
大吼了一聲後 daˋ houˇ le˙ yiˋ sheng¯ houˋ
Roared and then after
大樓 daˋ louˊ
Tall building
大樓的碎片 daˋ louˊ de˙ suiˋ pianˋ
Building debris
打手 daˇ shouˇ
Thugs, Hired hand, Clap
打手銃 daˇ shouˇ chongˋ
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
發愁 fa¯ chouˊ
發臭 fa¯ chouˋ
Stink, Emit a stink
發抖 fa¯ douˇ
Shake, Shiver, Tremble
發皺 fa¯ zhouˋ
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
馬後砲 maˇ houˋ paoˋ
碼頭 maˇ touˊ
Pier, Piers, Dock, Docks
碼頭的 maˇ touˊ de˙
碼頭設備 maˇ touˊ sheˋ beiˋ
Port Facilities
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
拿手 naˊ shouˇ
Good at, Adept, Expert (at)
拿手的 naˊ shouˇ de˙
拿手電筒 naˊ shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ
Holding a flashlight, Holding flashlights
拿手電筒照在他身上 naˊ shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ zhaoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ shangˋ
Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
那首詩 naˋ shouˇ shi¯
That poem, Which poem?
拿走 naˊ zouˇ
Take, Walk of with
拿走了 naˊ zouˇ le˙
Take, Grab, Took
ba, a, ca, cha, da, fa, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ta, ya, za
它後面 ta¯ houˋ mianˋ
Behind it
塔樓 taˇ louˊ
他手裡有 ta¯ shouˇ liˇ youˇ
Had in his hand
他瘦了 ta¯ shouˋ le˙
He lost wait, He became thing
他頭一低 ta¯ touˊ yiˋ di¯
He lowered his head, He dropped his head
他頭全禿了 ta¯ touˊ quanˊ tu¯ le˙
He was completely bald
他頭的後面 ta¯ touˊ de˙ houˋ mianˋ
The back of his head
她頭的後面 ta¯ touˊ de˙ houˋ mianˋ
The back of her head
他走入 ta¯ zouˇ ruˋ
He entered, She walked in
他走出門口 ta¯ zouˇ chu¯ menˊ kouˇ
He walks out the door, He walked out the door
他走到門口 ta¯ zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ
He went to the door
他走得很慢 ta¯ zouˇ deˊ henˇ manˋ
He walked slowly
她走入 ta¯ zouˇ ruˋ
She entered, She walked in
她走出門口 ta¯ zouˇ chu¯ menˊ kouˇ
She walks out the door, She walked out the door
她走到門口 ta¯ zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ
She went to the door
Grouped in tone pairs
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
把某人當作朋友 baˇ mouˇ renˊ dang¯ zuoˋ pengˊ youˇ
Treat someone as a friend
把某個人殺了 baˇ mouˇ ge˙ renˊ sha¯ le˙
Kill someone, Killed someone
把守 baˇ shouˇ
Guard, Watch over
把守著 baˇ shouˇ zhe˙
Guarding, Watching over
把手 baˇ shouˇ
Handle, Handles, Hold hands, Take hands, Place hands
把手伸進 baˇ shouˇ shen¯ jinˋ
Reach hand, Reaching hands into
把手拿開 baˇ shouˇ naˊ kai¯
Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
把手杖 baˇ shouˇ zhangˋ
Taking the walking-stick
把手杖尖 baˇ shouˇ zhangˋ jian¯
Taking the tip of the walking stick
把手臂往後舉 baˇ shouˇ biˋ wangˇ houˋ juˇ
Reach the arms back
打狗 daˇ gouˇ
打手 daˇ shouˇ
Thugs, Hired hand, Clap
打手銃 daˇ shouˇ chongˋ
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
發愁 fa¯ chouˊ
撒柔絲 sa¯ rouˊ si¯
Sarah, Sorrows
他頭一低 ta¯ touˊ yiˋ di¯
He lowered his head, He dropped his head
他頭全禿了 ta¯ touˊ quanˊ tu¯ le˙
He was completely bald
他頭的後面 ta¯ touˊ de˙ houˋ mianˋ
The back of his head
她頭的後面 ta¯ touˊ de˙ houˋ mianˋ
The back of her head
丫頭 ya¯ touˊ
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
阿醜 a¯ chouˇ
Ugly, Ghastly
擦手 ca¯ shouˇ
Rubbing a hand, Rubbing the hand
插手 cha¯ shouˇ
Meddle, Intervene, Step in
發抖 fa¯ douˇ
Shake, Shiver, Tremble
殺手 sha¯ shouˇ
Killer, Killers
他手裡有 ta¯ shouˇ liˇ youˇ
Had in his hand
他走入 ta¯ zouˇ ruˋ
He entered, She walked in
他走出門口 ta¯ zouˇ chu¯ menˊ kouˇ
He walks out the door, He walked out the door
他走到門口 ta¯ zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ
He went to the door
他走得很慢 ta¯ zouˇ deˊ henˇ manˋ
He walked slowly
她走入 ta¯ zouˇ ruˋ
She entered, She walked in
她走出門口 ta¯ zouˇ chu¯ menˊ kouˇ
She walks out the door, She walked out the door
她走到門口 ta¯ zouˇ daoˋ menˊ kouˇ
She went to the door
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
發臭 fa¯ chouˋ
Stink, Emit a stink
發皺 fa¯ zhouˋ
它後面 ta¯ houˋ mianˋ
Behind it
他瘦了 ta¯ shouˋ le˙
He lost wait, He became thing
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
茶樓 chaˊ louˊ
雜揉 zaˊ rouˊ
Mixed, Blended, Mix of, Blend of
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
拿手 naˊ shouˇ
Good at, Adept, Expert (at)
拿手的 naˊ shouˇ de˙
拿手電筒 naˊ shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ
Holding a flashlight, Holding flashlights
拿手電筒照在他身上 naˊ shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ zhaoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ shangˋ
Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
拿走 naˊ zouˇ
Take, Walk of with
拿走了 naˊ zouˇ le˙
Take, Grab, Took
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
把頭低下 baˇ touˊ di¯ xiaˋ
Get your head down, Get down, Duck
把頭塞進毯子下 baˇ touˊ sai¯ jinˋ tanˇ ziˇ xiaˋ
Stuck their head under the blanket
把頭盔脫了 baˇ touˊ kui¯ tuo¯ le˙
Took off helmet
碼頭 maˇ touˊ
Pier, Piers, Dock, Docks
碼頭的 maˇ touˊ de˙
碼頭設備 maˇ touˊ sheˋ beiˋ
Port Facilities
塔樓 taˇ louˊ
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
打鬥 daˇ douˋ
Fight, Skirmish
馬後砲 maˇ houˋ paoˋ
33, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43
大都 daˋ dou¯
亞洲 yaˋ zhou¯
亞洲人 yaˋ zhou¯ renˊ
Asian person, Asian
亞洲男孩 yaˋ zhou¯ nanˊ haiˊ
Asian boy
十-扌 : > 把: > [把]-把手 : > [把]-把手拿開 >
丿-千 : > 手: > [手]-把手 : > [手]-把手拿開 >
人-人 : > 拿: > [拿]-拿開 : > [拿]-把手拿開 >
口-門 : > 開: > [開]-拿開 : > [開]-把手拿開 >
把手拿開 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 拿
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