
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 車


Grab car (type of crane)

zhua¯ douˋ che¯

車 che¯, ju¯
Car, Cart, Vehicle, Wheel, Axle, Lathe, Turn

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 抓鬥車 (wa-ou)

Grouped by first phone

zhua, gua, hua, shua

抓鬥車 zhua¯ douˋ che¯

Grab car (type of crane)

zhua, gua, hua, shua

掛鉤 guaˋ gou¯

Hook up

zhua, gua, hua, shua

滑手 huaˊ shouˇ


滑手的 huaˊ shouˇ de˙


zhua, gua, hua, shua

耍手藝 shuaˇ shouˇ yiˋ

Make a living via a special skill

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 23, 33, 41

抓鬥車 zhua¯ douˋ che¯

Grab car (type of crane)

14, 23, 33, 41

滑手 huaˊ shouˇ


滑手的 huaˊ shouˇ de˙


14, 23, 33, 41

耍手藝 shuaˇ shouˇ yiˋ

Make a living via a special skill

14, 23, 33, 41

掛鉤 guaˋ gou¯

Hook up


十-扌 : > : > [抓]-抓鬥 : > [抓]-抓鬥車 >

丨-鬥 : > : > [鬥]-鬥車 : > [鬥]-抓鬥車 >

十-車 : > : > [車]-鬥車 : > [車]-抓鬥車 >

抓鬥車 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 車

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